@emorrill hehe, I'm glad you enjoyed the update. :heart: I love your comments. Especially, Mary 1, Layla 0. That made me laugh out loud when I saw it. I was out of time to comment this morning with leaving early for work. But I left in a good mood after reading them.
I'm glad you cracked up with the 'ghost girl'. I thought it was fun.
Yep, I kinda think Jerich was a bit of a player. I actually had a bit more written about that but I edited it out as it didn't seem the right place for it.
lol, yes, Layla is fun to write. I don't want her to get too soft, but I do want her to learn from being cursed that not everyone is out to get her or use her. There are some good folks in the world but it helps if you are good too.
I knew all along that Bekka would have to instigate the first kiss. Jamie wasn't going to pressure her at all. Of course, now, he can kiss her as much as he wants! ;) :p
I hope you are not disappointed it was not the Rascal Flats song. They are not my favorite band so I don't usually even go looking at their music when I am hunting for a song. If I thought one was perfect I would use it, but I love the Lady A song.
@DeafSimmer Thank you! I'm glad you think so. I do appreciate you reading and commenting too! :smiley: :Heart:
@Silverofdreams30 Thank you! I appreciate you reading and commenting. :smiley: :heart:
I think the name Mary suits her too.
Spring is coming fast so they better hurry up! :lol:
@DivaDoodle Oh my! I knew Jamie and Bekka fans would love this one. :smiley: It makes me happy seeing all your happy comments about Jamie and yeah, I kinda figured you like him...just a little bit. :heart:
"Ghost Girl?!!" :o the nerve! :# OK I want them all to leave her old and dying! I've had it with her! But do we still need her for Mary? darnit!
I totally laughed out loud reading that this evening.
Thank you so much. You made my evening reading your sweet and kind words. I love romance and I wanted it to be very romantic even if it was a bit rushed for those two. Can you imagine the dreams they are going to have until they see each other again? :grin:
@AlexaKry :heart: I knew you would be happy with the ending. :grin: Finally...hehe. :love: You made me laugh and I hope you are doing well and playing and writing. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the past.