@DivaDoodle Thank you so much for your comments! :heart: :smiley: I love reading what you think about the story.
I was very happy to be able to play and get back to the story.
lol, Layla did had to make that comment didn't she! :grin:
I sure missed the animals as well as seasons when I couldn't have them on my pitiful laptop.
Bekka said to tell you thank you so much! She loves compliments! :love:
I'm glad you like the reminders. It's easy to forget from the beginning of a long story. Even for me and I have notes in word pad so I don't forget things like peoples names or how to spell certain names. lol
I'm happy you like the kitchen. :smiley: I do love decorating in sims, not so much in life. :grin:
Do motorcycles have seat belts?
@emorrill Awww, such a cute little girl so excited. I'm happy you felt like reading and making comments. :heart: :smiley:
Thanks so much for taking time to comment.
I really lucked up with that view. Sometimes it is hard to find the moon because it is such a cloudy world.
Layla is not your typical female even in her younger self since becoming oracle. She's difficult and doesn't relate well to others. The one man, (Jerich) she did relate to in her youth encouraged her to become the oracle and leave him. I think that may have affected her personality and she has not had a relationship since. I don't picture Jerich as her soulmate though.
Jamie didn't want to chance waking Bekka, he told Damien to let her know. Plus, he will try to call her when he gets up.
Love should be enough you would think, but those Fates are tricky!
Gosh wouldn't that be awesome to clean house that way. I'd actually have a clean house! :grin:
Thanks, I'm glad you are liking the kitchen. I love having space in a kitchen, to me it's the heart of the home.