@bekkasan o my gosh No! there is No way Bekka can backslide! don't you dare do that to us!!! We Have to Have One totally Happy couple here Please!!!
Yes it so cute to have him think about and text and call Bekka!
Well he saves his best smiles for Bekka, no doubt! <3
Love the newest Update and I Love The Byrds! Great song!
Just thinking, if Time wasn't of the essence then Bekka could just zap o over there to be with him!!!
(well I would, if I were her!!!!) ;)
OH! he is too cute learning martial Arts! His FACE!!!! omg! <3
''Listen to her voice as well as the words. Hear her tone and when it changes.” omg I ma alll ears now!
''Spring is the time for Mary to be reborn.” Yes spring is a time of renewal!!! gosh so she has to die before she is reborn? oh that sux!!!
''Jamie looks at him in amazement. "Can you teach me how to do that?"
Lee shrugs, "Probably not." LOL I love Lee!!! :D
I agree with AlexaKry!!! ''I still think that some occult status is within Jamie already, you just have to reveal it to us''... B)