@bekkasan : great update!
Bekka did a good job in decorating the dining roo. It is a bit old fashioned for my taste but I think Damien and Mary will loove it!
Wow, even Layla is praising her good work. She has changed for the better, right? Isn´t it wonderful what good and friendly people can do to change an old grumpy person to the better?
Ok, now I want to hear Jerich´s story! Is he a genie and did her mother know and how did they get to know and why did his soulmate died? So many questions! You have to answer them! Now!
Uh oh, the fire ghosts were murdered? Did they get the call from Elias (who behaves really strange and suspicious!), is he Daniel´s and Daisy´s murder, or just an unlucky man who just happened to be in a warehouse which belonged to the mafia? Or have they all been mafia members who didn´t do their job right and were killed because of that? Again, so much questions, you have to answer them right now, too!
Mustn´t it be awful dying in a fire, seeing everything, feeling the pain - and being resurrected as a ghost with ALL that memories????
Damien and Mary will leave tomorrow for the whole day? Oh no! Jamie will be back soon and they need Mary to vanish in winter to break the circle! There are only two days of winter left!!!! So much drama now!
Aww, Jamie is such a good friend and a much better man! He can sense how stressed Layla is and phones her to help her to relieve some of it! Soo nice of him!
Although I have to agree with @emorrill I, too, thought that there was a new character revieled who was in need of his talent.
Layla is such an interesting person and I would like to know what she had done to rescue Jamie´s life nad what Jamie had done to get into a situation where she had to safe him! So interesting!
You made so many hints in this chapter that you could go on with this story after Mary is rescued!
The reflection layla made about her past life and if she now had to pay for her mistakes is very interesting to read. You have to tell more about her!
It is so good that Jamie could help her so she could rest much more peaceful, she needs the rest, otherwise she will die even more earlier!
How does Jamie´s gift works, btw? You´ve made a hint that he takes the sorrows out of the other and puts them into himself (what a bad descibtion, but I can´t do it differently)? Does he suffer from this action?
You HAVE to do another update really, really soon and answer the questions!!!! >:)