@emorrill Thanks so much for your comments! I love reading them. Fills me with happy this morning as I sit and drink my coffee. :smiley: :heart:
Yep, the dining area is just an extension of the kitchen so hopefully it looks good together. I usually prefer combined rather than formal unless folks are in a huge house. They are not. :grin:
No, I didn't talk about how Jerich lost her. See comments to @AlexaKry below. You were not the only curious one. She just asked more questions. :grin:
The story will eventually come out about Elias. :smiley: That will be part of what Damien does while Mary is gone. He will need to stay busy.
Damien and Mary definitely need a fun day together and I'm looking forward to it. I love that pose set and had to try one of them out.
I initially thought that would be a fun place to cut off the update leaving y'all wondering who he was calling. :tongue: :lol: But, I couldn't do it. That section pretty much wrote itself and was apparently something my inner writer felt needed to be said. It wasn't part of the original outline. I'm glad it made you wonder a little bit. :grin:
Jamie is surprising even himself with his powers.
@AlexaKry Thanks so much for your comments. I do so enjoy reading what you are thinking about the story. :heart: :smiley: I love your questions and wanting to know more. Can only reveal so much though. :naughty:
I try to decorate for the sim's taste rather than mine but, it's hard sometimes. I have no money so I call my style 'gently used yardsale'. I'm not much on modern though so have to force myself to do that occasionally for those sims. I built that modern house for Jared's brother and wife. Damien and Mary both want comfortable and homey, but not too rustic. I hope I've achieved that.
lol, Jerich only figures in as part of Layla's past. He was a genie as was his soulmate. Their son was Bekka's father who married his soulmate who also was a genie. So Bekka is full genie. I didn't really consider how her grandmother died other than she did and that left Jerich free to have a relationship with Layla in the past.
Eventually all will be revealed about Elias. Daniel and Daisy want to know too since Elias never even admitted he died in the same fire as them and of course, he lied about it when Damien asked. First things first. I have to take care of Mary!
I think two of my biggest fears in life is dying in a fire or drowning. okie...three really...giant spider attacks. :cold_sweat: It took a long time before I would use the fireplace in a home I live at in NC.
I'm kinda glad y'all didn't initially know who Jamie was calling and thought it might be someone new. :grin:
I really love these characters and I do hope to continue their stories once Mary's situation is resolved one way or another.
Layla is turning out to be way more interesting than originally planned. I think she will always be a bit skeptical about people but is learning to understand that not everyone is out to use her and her gifts.
I'm hopefully going back to work tomorrow. I (knock on wood) feel better today. Yesterday was horrible but I think the antibiotics were starting to kick in and work. Updates may slow down again. :sigh:
More about Jamie's gift will be revealed later in the story. :wink: