Mary Kendall, A Ghost Story
A Day Out
part 2
Damien and Mary start their day off at the local diner with a large breakfast. They decide to walk through town to work the calories off. Stopping at several of the stores, they window shop. When Mary expresses admiration for anything Damien immediately goes inside and purchases it, despite Mary’s protests. While he was purchasing items for her, she was purchasing things for him as well, trying to hide what she was buying so she could surprise him later. reach the edge of town and pause on the bridge admiring the beauty of the town in the falling snow. The path ahead leads to one of the local parks. All the children are in school and Damien and Mary have the park to themselves. They enjoy swinging and talking and later checking out the fort. continue strolling hand in hand and stop at a fire pit near the frozen beach briefly to warm up. Damien receives a text from Jamie letting him know he will be flying home this evening. He replies briefly, "Safe journey!" and puts his phone away. to move on, they follow the path and come to the pond where they first skated together and got married. Not in the least tired after all the walking, they skate.They enjoy skating together, and both have improved so they don't fall when spinning together. Mary does solo spins. Damien watches his love as she gracefully spins slowly at first, gradually picking up speed until she is spinning so fast his eye can barely follow her. She begins slowing, and her beauty awes him. His heart fills with more love for her than he ever thought possible. He takes her in his arms. She is flushed and laughing from sheer happiness. He twirls her around declaring his eternal love for her. Their kisses are so full of love and passion that Mary doubts she will ever be cold again. Damien swears the snow started melting under his feet. snow is falling heavily as they walk past the falls. One more hill and they should be close to the tavern. Damien reaches back to hold Mary's hand as they climb the hill. The tavern is warm and inviting and only a few patrons are inside. They enjoy some snacks and a couple of drinks as they talk quietly. They have thoroughly enjoyed the day out just the two of them being together. They know spring is coming, but not one word crossed their lips about it today. Today was just for them, happiness and love and being together.