@bekkasan I wish they would have let me do the swab! Some times it feels better but then I don't know what causes the a sudden attack! I am too afraid of taking something like sudafed which makes my heart race, I keep thinking maybe I should take alegra aleriges but haven't so far, I just take homeopathic remedies so far and it relieves the pain shortly with hot wet compresses to the area, seems to melt the pain away. I am reluctant to go to the doc because I know they are going to stick something roughly up there for a look before Rxing an antibiotic, I am monitoring my temp and the color, to tell her if i do decide to go in, if it doesn't resolve on its own.
I am so glad you feel better! what med did you use for your sinus, was it otc?
LOL Yes I don't blame you for glossing over when Max speaks of his time lines LOL I can understand it in my head but putting it on paper makes me go numb! :D When I as hubby for input he always tells me I am too prone to confusing and mix actual theories with what I saw on TV!!!???