@DivaDoodle I usually prefer not to take anything other than saline rinses for sinuses but this was to the point of affecting my breathing and coughing constantly so got the generic fluticasone which is a steroid spray that is now OTC. That opened things up by evening and reduced all that horrible swelling. I won't use other nasal sprays as they are addictive to nasal membranes. I also started back on sudafed but it doesn't make my heart race. Most of the other stuff gives me the heebie jebbies like I have bugs crawling inside me. Not a fun feeling. :open_mouth:
I dunno my doc usually just looks with the nasal light but only goes a little way in. He can't go too far on one side as the wall is collapsed on that side. lol
That is one of the fun things about the sims. We can make up our own fantasy theories or combine those we've heard or read about and no one can tell us it's wrong. LOL