@bekkasan !!! I was scrolling from the bottom UP and I SEE PICTURES THAT ARE OMG <3 <3 <3
hehehe Nothing like having such an awesome spoiler! Now I am eagerly reading! :) :smiley:
Oh Bekka is so great with her magic to create a guest room for Lee! I wish I could do that!
Good for you Lee to know the best time to do the resurrection! I like the idea of it being on a full moon too! Also YES! ---> ''I will be able to provide protection for your soul, so the Fates cannot hide it any longer.'' GOOD!!!
so Great that Jamie and Bekka saying that they are ready for each others love! <3
I wonder what Mary wants to talk about with Bekka? So nice that they are like sisters!
I SEE that Lee and Layla!!!! :) ????????????
Ah good that Lee can send and bring back Mary from the netherworld with her soul intact! I was Wondering what all about that!
I am so Glad that Mary has No fear and Knows this will work! And I love how she tells Damien, and gives him hope and strength! Sooo romantic they spend their night of love refusing sleep! <3
hahaha I love the part Jamie tells of asking Lee if he can learn teleportation and Lee says doubtful! :D
Aha so Lee is a very powerful witch!
''It is helpful that she (Layla) already likes Damien and thinks he is cute.'' LOL funny!
Darling that they slept together! That last is so cute a pose! (But I am with AlexaKry on this one! undies and in several 'non ladylike positions' of her legs! and Jamie says nothing?!!! And no woo?! HOW? hehehehee Their Will is made of STEEL!!!!) But I love them in love so much!!! <3
Ahhh So THAT is what's going on with Jamie's coloring! I couldn't understand it! So glad to know it's the full moon thingie, as I don't have that in my game! (I keep the moon set so no zombies)
I really enjoyed your update! More!!!!??????