@bekkasan : What a great update! (I see the two as one, ok?)
So a supernatural believer gets that strange skin color when there is full moon?
I´ve seen that Jamie had a different color but just thought that there was a little glitch with his skin! :D
So Jamie is still a man after all! Phui, good to see. That he pulls up her shirt and tells Bekka that he´ll show her how nuch he loves her later is an evidence of that. B)
Aww so sweet of him that he thinks that he could have done more to help Mary although he already had done so much for her! He is a care taker for sure! I can already imagine him being a great dad.
:D :D :D I can understand Layla fully, Lee is a yummy! And of course she just looked at his tattoos. ;) :p (and hopes she can discover the hidden ones, I would say.... o:) )
Oh mey poor Damien, I would have been devastated like him if my love would have to vanish to be re-born eventually! It is just good that Lee will stay longer and that Bekka is there and both of them will help Jamie to care for his brother.
I love how Mary is so calm and self-confident that everything will be allright and that she will be back in a few weeks! She even cares for Damien by telling Bekka to take care of him and Jamie! Women are/have to be so strong often!
Ok, I HAVE to talk to you about Lee´s wand: you couldn´t find a bigger one, right???? :D You know what is said about men with big, expensieve cars and long, tall, expensieve looking wands????? B) I hope Layla doesn´t find out that this is true.... o:)
Oh gosh, Mary talking about the crocuses, that is so sad! I so hope that she will discover many, many more crocus blooms in her re-born life! No wonder Damien is even more devastated! I just hope that Jamie and Lee will be able to cheer him up again so he can be the anchor she needs to come back!!!!
Oh my god, this is such a sad picture!!!!