@bekkasan wow what a big decision for Layla to make. I know what I would choose!
haha too funny “Good morning, Oracle.” “Good morning Wizard.” how odd! love it! :D
Is it my imagination or is Layla still pompous and self absorbed?
oh good an explanation for me! '''what he will think after finding out how awful the real me is'' ah so revealing the next part. so she's not into self help, but allows Jamie to lift some of the burden, but not all, and still no interest in self improvement. but instead blames the people who she tried to help but they criticized her. bummer!
Yet she chose to stay the Oracle, But never thought to seek another way to improve herself to better relate to the people. hmmm
Dr. Doodles diagnosis : it's like typical nurse/dr/caregiver burn out, it sounds like. Poor thing!!! Now I changed my mind about what I would choose if I were she! :) I'm allowed to change my mind right? :)
Gosh Lee is so wonderful! I hope he can help her, she desperately needs help! and doesn't seem to be refusing it this time!!!
Lee is Sooo Magical!! <3