@bekkasan OH! OK At first I immediately chose Oracle! (because i was being selfish and thinking about Me! not Layla! soory Layla!!!) Because that just seems so Awesome to be able to do and help people! Just like Jamie's gift, I have always wished I could somehow magically or mystically heal people! I Love and am drawn to stories, books and shows and movies about this!!!
But then as I read further I was thinking more about her and thought she probably needs to retire and go have fun away from all this, for herself, but especially for the others she tries to help but have a negative critical reaction.(assuming other Oracles are around to fill her shoes) Not Everyone can be good at their work over the long haul, burn out happens unless something changes in themselves. There is Nothing Worse than a person in the helping profession who has a rotten bedside manner! My hands-on nurse friends who got burn out got lucky and found positions in nurse management which was such a lucky thing for them but mostly Lucky for the Patients! they got to keep their seniority and all the goodies that come with that! Plus it was awesome for Me because what could be better than having a good friend be yer Boss! ;)
Oh my gosh NO! Don't Ever fix your writing because of me! what do I know! For Pete's sake!! I probably read it differently than others because I don't like her, so her voice has this grating pompus tone in my head. I'm So sorry!!!
ah, ok it is things like this --> ''but no she wasn't interested in having Jamie try to fix her. She didn't see it as her problem.'' wth? lol! and ''The criticism over the years'' ok now WHO doesn't look inward to fix that? I mean seriously! that is an opportunity for growth handed to her on a Silver Platter! But instead she Blames the silly people! I am exasperated and flabbergasted!! ok I admit I am a 'bit' intolerant (instead of being understanding, like I am usually in other situations) of people who never look inward, when they act out and blame others instead of looking at themselves. Hubby and I have long conversations about understanding , acceptance and non-resistance and compassion all the time, he is so much better than me, such a good non judgmental person, we learn from each other still and love to share our views, I love all his insight, he can draw himself away to see the big picture, he loves to study human behavior. I wish I could see the big picture more often than I do. More often than not I am down here in the muck of it all, instead! gosh sometimes I just get at my wits end and think ''OK I will just give in, for One Minute, to hate that persons behavior, because they are behaving like such an unbelievable unmitigated a$$!'' before I can calm down to look to understand why I am reacting like I am. Because this obviously is another opportunity for growth! so my reaction to Layla, is my problem and not Layla's. Only I can control my feelings and my reactions, so it's on all on me to search for understanding. and how droll and hypocritical for me to be intolerant of the others who are intolerant! :D I swear Bekkasan, sometimes I think I'll never get through the work on myself! ai yi yi!
So I did, I changed my mind and think she needs to go with her initial thought to leave her job --- unless she can improve herself and her attitude towards others. She might also take a look at if there is any ego involved in being The Oracle, that is not a help to others.
I am hoping Lee can help her, and I think he is so darling to want to!
OH! hehehe Even if he just wants to be with her!!! that is The Cutest Thing Everrrrr!!! omg <3 Lee! <3