@bekkasan I'm here! Finally. :p
Aww Damien talking to Mary. <3 The way you described him working
around the memorial to clean it up and his emotions during it (especially him
sliding down the tree onto his bum), caused me to get teary-eyed.
It was so beautifully well written. :star:
Loved the poses you used as well!
Too bad Damien didn't know Bekka or Lee could clean it up for him. ;)
But he needed that time with Mary. <3
I love that he wants to plant a flower garden for her. :blush:
He knows she would enjoy a dancing sunflower, so he orders one of those.
^Hee hee. Cute. :blush:
Lee and Layla head up to the Viewpoint eh? :smirk:
Gosh you made Renauld look SO much better! (And more handsome. ;) )
Cute that they explored the cemetery together. And I know there was some flirting
going on. ;) <3
"He is." Jamie tells them. "Catarina is very nice as well, but can be a little intimidating. I'm not quite sure she thinks I'm good enough for Bekka."
"Jamie, if you can handle me, you can handle her." teases Layla.
^I love it! :lol:
The cats talking! I loved that too. :mrgreen: Such a cute pic of them looking up
at Lee like, "What on earth is this hooman doing?" :p
So he brought the parakeet back to life? :grin: (You know I approve, because I love
birds. :blush: )
Wow! Lee is freaking awesome!! :smiley: :star:
I really enjoyed reading this chapter! You did so well with all the descriptions
and took the readers right into each character's emotions. Well done S! :star: I need
more soon! :kissing_heart: