Mary Kendall, A Ghost Story
Catching up
During the next few days the members of the household are working hard to catch up. The last week has been stressful with emotional ups and downs for all but Lee. He has certainly felt the stress from all of them. Perhaps casting a calming spell or two over the household will help them get on with their lives without feeling so stressed. He performs the ritual and notices the difference as the days pass. meditates outside, feeling the warmth of the sun on his face and chest as it rises over the mountains early in the morning.
After the cold of winter, spring is a welcome relief.
Lee searches the cosmos while emptying his mind in meditation. What he is searching for is not found. Lee is unconcerned. It will happen in time. Years of practice and study have honed his patience. works in the yard transplanting the daffodils that grew here and there among the dead shrubs. He enjoys working with his hands, digging in the dirt and planting flowering bushes and colorful flowers. He waters them and adds a layer of mulch around them. The bench and the sunflower are placed last. Damien is pleased with the result and thinks Mary will enjoy the garden. He talks with her often as he goes about his day, but feels closest to her when sitting in the yard near her memorial. and Layla carefully check his supplies to ensure he has everything required for the resurrection ceremony. His supplies are in order. “I should gather a few more death flowers and life fruit. I will ask Emmaline where they are found in this world.” visits Emmaline and begins her final testing. She passed her level one written test. A master must observe her making potions, objectively evaluate the efficiency and potency of her work and ingredient choices. Her work environment must also be assessed. Lee has already seen two of her potions that Emmaline made for Layla. He assigns her two extremely difficult potions to prepare as part of her testing. She gets high marks for her efficiency and perfection of the brews as well as creativity in enhancing the brews with additional ingredients. He does discuss how she tests her potions to be sure they are not harmful to others and is pleased with her rigorous testing protocols. He is able to pass her easily with high marks. Lee invokes the charm for earth magic and the spell surrounds Emmaline. All witches will know upon meeting her that she is an Earth witch. She will not get her mark until she becomes a Master.
Emmaline is thrilled to finally obtain her first level in Earth Magic. She wants to continue working on her potions and alchemy and ultimately become a Master in Earth magic. Lee supports her because he believes she possesses a natural affinity for earth magic and one day will become an extraordinary alchemist. Emmaline texts Jared, her boss and quits her job. She will be able to support herself by selling potions at the alchemy shoppe in town. Lee advises her to think about studying with a Master Earth witch. He gives her the name of several Master Earth witches and warlocks to contact. He finally remembers to ask about the death flowers and life fruits. She informs him they are found near the graveyard and a forest area near one of the springs. work on the office is completed with the last-minute addition of diplomas and paintings. Bekka's next priority is to add bathrooms with so many sharing the house. The new plumbing items have been delivered along with the back ordered lighting. She hangs the new lights downstairs and builds a powder room in the stairwell and two full bathrooms upstairs. Bekka tests the plumbing to be sure all the connections are tight and no leaks. and Layla review all the books that have information about restoring life to ghosts. Eventually, Damien and Lee join them and discuss the possibilities of the various recipes. Jamie begins to compile a list on his tablet so they don't have to keep hunting in the books.
Lee has learned during his studies that certain foods in the right combination do indeed have the potential to restore life. Exact recipes have been lost to time. Some of the ones in the books seem impractical to him, but others may indeed have some merit. "We should ask Emmaline her opinion. She has an affinity for creating with unusual ingredients. She also studied cooking so must understand the use of some of these foods."
Jamie nods in agreement. "I will set up a meeting with Emmaline as well as Liam. We should get his opinion and find out just what he uses to restore life." they take a break, Jamie talks Damien into going truck shopping with him. Jamie returns home with the big truck he wanted. Damien looks at a few inconspicuous vehicles that would not be too noticeable when he is doing stakeouts. He ends up getting a Bronco because he can’t resist it. He tells himself it will be much safer driving the winding roads during the winter. Jamie grins “It's a nice ride and you’ve got the money now. Enjoy!”