@bekkasan Yes I'm sorry I forgot to say about the hair, yes I did see it and appreciate you telling me! <3
The new office pace looks fantastic! I know Damien must love it!
I am loving how all these clues are coming forth! I like knowing that Elias enjoyed working on the old car in the garage.
Yikes! vI don't trust Elias at ALL! I don't like his suggesting to Damien to turn the car on and am glad when I read Damien say why don't You start the car!
omg and now Elias says for Damien to start the car Everyday? NO! I am thinking car explosions! and I don't trust Elias! Why doesn't Elias start the car everyday?! I will be very glad when Damien figures out this guy!
oh ok, so Elias is now sobbing about remembering the last job. ok so it was an apparent accident. Gee that must be so hard to live with, accidentally causing people's deaths! I feel for him wanting to help the others get resolution.
''Elias sobs even harder after Daniel's comments.'' I liked how you wrote that, it is so believable that a person racked with guilt would do that upon hearing Daniels words!!!
Amazingly Good update, my friend!!!