Well Rukaya and me won't have that problem Rflong. hehehe We play vanilla.
I do enjoy playing the challenge and used to go check on the sims a couple times during a play session after initially getting them all set and the controllable set up - then I'd go play a different household in the town and just record the progress of the sims in the assylum. Of course they do tend to roam a bit in Sims 3 even with EA SP - sometimes out working when I go back to check and have to make them quit the job. I think that is because I play my game with full free will and everything on high for everyone as I hate just watching sims stand around doing nothing. So that is one "bend" in the rules I don't care for as I need my whole neighborhood on high free will and unfortunately it is not controllable without mods per household. So they are still liable to be seen about town. I do always go back to the assylum if I see them out and do intervene in that case to make them quit a job if they got one (they sometimes pitch fits about it, or if they are out having a good time, they get all out of sorts about me making them come home.
So I play the challenge - sort of, but not exclusively - or I'd be the bored one and probably joining their craziness. hehehe
So I don't play the challenge as intended but in a more enjoyable way and mostly just observe them. I do try and make sure the controllable fixes things and stuff like that.
I found out if I just play that household I end up losing before the game even starts because I unconsciously seem to start telling idle fuss budgets to do something, and out the window goes the rules. So this way, I don't break the rules - they might - but not me. hehehe