Here's a few photo's with my new sim testing the sights and sounds of ML.
As usual my keyboard missed a few letters - I have ordered a new one but can't figure out how to re-edit - oh well, pics are definitely not my forte. Oh and my first tester sim in here is the blond guy with the white shorts and blue shirt - I can't figure out why I said blue shorts. I start a new sim each time I start a new save of a world so I can retest skill buildings and such with an untrained sim. Not that you were wondering or anything. hehehe
New world always a Yay.
I'll have to check out that lot with a horse only I'll need to add a sim for that as it takes too long to get them capable of riding. Will check the ranch in a bit. Making Pete's dinner right now. He had to work today and worked late finishing the digimasters new programming - so be back later.