Rflong7 wrote:
Hi :)
Thanks, everyone! It's great to know it wasn't just my world. :mrgreen:
@turistas9 -Beautiful horse! And thanks for sharing the pictures. :mrgreen:
Did you say your Sim was sinking? Can you tell me where? :shock:
~ I got more butterflies. I saw so many of the little pets where I knew were supposed to be butterflies- so I had my Sim pic them up. The next day there were butterflies there. Made me happy. :D
I didn't do any on the world map although I did see the small pets where the butterflies should be. I'll do that next...
Nice that I already made a new world- that's what I was testing today for butterflies. It's the same map and lots and all- just on a new world. (Exported map and textures to make a new world)~ just a few days more work. :lol:
there a building right in front of the training ground .. it like went in the ground right by it. .but teleported out 5 seconds later..
edit: http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/2216/picturen.png
image shows.. where i was in the horse training thing.. then i teleported and got stuck in the ground where that circle is by the building.. then 5-10 seconds later. teleported to the dirt road.