Woohooo! New story! And its something different from the usual. :) I can't wait to see what these three kings are.
^Yes. :blush: Writing in the first person for the first time in my life. :lol: Glad you like it so far. :)
Gosh I can't wait to reveal the "three kings." :mrgreen:
@GraceyManor Lol! Your comments were the first I read on the other thread. :lol: :blush: Sorry I wasn't able to respond as soon as I would've liked, but I appreciate your sweet words. <3
But yeah I responded to you over there. :)
@meerkattime Hey girl! :smiley: Great to see you and thanks for being here. <3
Yeah, I meant to get the story posted
much sooner on the 1st, but man all this stuff came up yesterday and it was driving me nuts. :grimace:
Aww, this warms up my hopeless romantic heart
^Always what I love to hear. :mrgreen: <3
Oh Landon is
hot! :love:
Lol! I think it's funny that you (and GraceyManor) agree about Starbucks as well. :lol: And YES they are so so expensive! :confounded: Even for the non-coffee stuff.
Wonderful to see Malai so happy with her life. I think something will change soon though - maybe some interesting guy getting in picture ;) .Ahh, I see, I think like her parents, lol!
^Hee hee, maybe. :smirk: Oh I love her parents too. ;)
I might have to show Malai and - whichever guy she ends up with - babies after the story. :blush: (I think she and Landon would make some pretty babies honestly. :no_mouth: :lol: <3 )
I think I got Malai's day bed with lights from TSR, if you're curious. :)
Thank you for the sweet comments as always. <3 I can't wait to post the next part! :smiley: