13 years agoSeasoned Ace
Suburban Springs: A World for Everyone- Seasons Update Available Now!!!

Welcome to Suburban Springs
Nestled in suburbia, this town was once the heart of a thriving rural community. Seeking the perfect life, families found themselves drawn to Suburban Springs in great numbers. Now however, they have all left town in protest of new industries and commercial outputs that have tried to settle there. It seems the loss was theirs. With a bustling town centre, comfortable houses of all shapes and sizes and tons of venues to enjoy- not to mention dozens of blank lots to encourage your own creativity, the horizon is open and the possibilities are endless. Where better to start your new life?
Required games
World Adventures
Late Night
High End Loft Stuff
Fast Lane Stuff
Outdoor Living Stuff
Town Life Stuff
Master Suite Stuff
(If you download the Supernatural version of Suburban Springs, you will of course need this too.)
CC/Store Content
Suburban Springs will be completely free of all non-EA, non-Store content. The only additional items I used were from the Pets Limited Edition Pet store, which most people with Pets should have anyway. Those who don’t may find that their pet store registers are replaced by microwaves! :lol:
And now for the pictures! :mrgreen: You can view tons more of these here (note that some images include content from the Supernatural version, while some don’t). Images available at the link below will also be full quality so I suggest taking a look, the ones on this page had to be resized and sadly don't look as crisp as they should:

Supernatural Edition


I’m afraid I will not be uploading a populated version of Suburban Springs, nor will I be offering a save file. Finished the unpopulated versions has drained all my spare time and I simply do not have any more to give for the time being.
You may be pleased to know that I will be eventually updating Suburban Springs with all the new Seasons content. This update will not come straight away though, it will probably be available at around Christmas time. Note that if you find any problems with the current versions (though this is unlikely- the world has been in its testing stage for the last five months), any necessary fixes will be included in this version- and possibly this version only. By the time I update for Seasons I will have three separate versions of Suburban Springs and this means that fixing problems in each version may be a confusing and time-consuming process.
Special thanks
There are a few specific people on here without whom I could not have completed this project. Thank you to:
-DOLLDRMS1, Rukaya, HappySimmer3, Tefnuit and SikSouthernTink, for your extensive testing. I wouldn’t have noticed half the problems I did without you, you’ve helped to make SS so much better. :)
-Tefnuit again, for being so kind as to gift me some amazing Store stuff.
-Rflong, for your help and advice. :)
-Writin_Reg, for your invaluable knowledge. You helped me save the world from serious performance issues.
Lastly, I want to thank everyone else for their patience and support. I hope Suburban Springs was worth the wait.
Downloads + instructions!
I have created two different versions of this world: one with all EPs except Supernatural, and one with all EPs including Supernatural. I have also created an important guide for each of these versions which I highly recommend you download depending on the world version to choose to get.
To download:
-Click the link(s) appropriate to the world version you are downloading
-Click the ‘download’ button
-Wait for the guide/world to download
-When the download is complete, simply double-click on the file. If you are double-clicking the world, it should start installing through the launcher. If you are double-clicking the guide, it will open.
It sounds simple enough, but I know some people prefer not to use Mediafire as they have trouble using it so I thought it would pay to post some instructions.
And finally, to sum up this extremely long post, the world links are below. Enjoy! :) (Although it’s unlikely, if you experience problems, please feel free to post back here and I will reply as soon as possible.)
Suburban Springs (without Supernatural):
Suburban Springs Guide (without Supernatural):
Suburban Springs (with Supernatural):
Suburban Springs Guide (with Supernatural):
Suburban Springs (with Supernatural and Seasons):
Suburban Springs Guide (with Supernatural and Seasons):
Known Issues
I tried really really hard to make sure that Suburban Springs would play perfectly. However, a few minor problems have been brought to my attention that will be fixed in the Seasons update. In the meantime I would suggest you go into your games and make these small changes for yourself.
purple_roses2110 wrote:
This world is amazing I must say!
There are a few issues that I have found:
1. At the little mall area, the mixologist can't get to the bar because of the cabinets. I'm not sure why, but I deleted the cabinets and he can now get behind the bar.
2. At the social bunny, you need to turn the stairs once. The sims aren't able to get up the stairs otherwise.
3. Same is said for the Downtown Gems Cafeteria. They can't get to the second floor.
musicman4365 wrote:
Also, at the plumbob pictures backlot, when the sim arrives there to do stuff, he shows that he can't get to the door. My sim can eventually get into the building if I click on the building to do whatever action again.