After spending the last week - unsuccessfully, I might add - trying to get CAW to work so that I could add 1 little road to SV, I finally gave up. Stupid thing kept freezing or crashing - or both. Did 3 uninstalls and re-installs of my game trying to get it to work. I came on here today, to re-read the advice other builders have provided, and happened to see this thread.
Despite what one person thinks, for me, this world is absolutely perfect! No lots, so I can build my town from scratch - putting in what I want.
Plenty of room for expansion and since you did minimal trees, I don't have to waste time deleting stuff I don't want. I can add them as I develop each area of my town. And since it's flat, I don't have to worry about lots I DL and then place, looking totally stupid.
For those of you who have never tried to edit a world, CAW is a royal pain, and any world builder who's mastered it, then shared their creations here - free-of-charge - at the very least, I think they deserve our thanks. So, thank you, Magic. You did a great job, and made this player very happy.