@lanlyn thank you for your feedback. I always enjoy reading what you have to say.
Actually it wasn't difficult to get that huge family tree for Dan. All I had to do was link his mother and father. Linking his mother got most of them. Linking his father just added his father and his one full brother, Craig.
The hard part was knowing which world each of them lives in. But I have a spreadsheet to handle that and I do have most of the sims in it with their details including their world and lot address.
It turns out there won't be a part 2 of Getting Ready for Oscar. I started working on it and realised I didn't have anything much to do. So I'm now working on the next episode of Oscar's Childhood.
There are currently 13 worlds in the Big Game that Oscar has now been moved into. There will be more as I'll add them as I need them.
I only showed a few of them in Getting Ready for Oscar Part 1. But I think that was enough for one video. I'm going to use the same save file for the McFluff Story too. While Oscar and the McFluffs are living in different worlds they won't affect each other. I'll have to do something about stopping them from moving out of their houses though when they are living in the same world. Probably I'll have to work out how to use Castes.
I plan for Oscar to start roaming around in all the worlds in the save file when he gets older.
He will meet a lot of the inhabitants as part of his story. And I just got an idea while typing this. There are a few young sims at the boarding school who won't be going home due to disastrously bad parents. For Example, Percy Koffi and his wife, Lorna just ignore their babies and go out partying. So I'm keeping their two children at the boarding school. Eric, their son, is about to age up to teen but I plan to keep Oscar a child for a while yet. However, I think it would be a good idea for Oscar and Eric to become friends. And when Oscar starts his roaming maybe he could go with Eric initially. Eric is one of the grandchildren of Patience so he is related to just about everyone - not quite but his family tree is almost the same as Dan's family tree. They are both in it. So he'll be able to introduce Oscar to lots of sims in lots of different worlds. Never thought of doing that before. I was wondering how I was going to get Oscar to travel around and meet everyone since he wouldn't know many to start with.
I'll try to get the next chapter of Oscar's Childhood up today. Or tomorrow as I'm sure to get interruptions. I've already got the video put together I just have to narrate it and edit it. It's only about 25 minutes long so after editing it'll probably get down to 10 minutes or maybe 15. I had an issue with the final scene. I really wanted it in but don't want to have to redo it. And I messed up. I videoed it ok. But apparently I got interrupted and walked away and came back to it 8+ hours later and it was still recording. I've got 9GB (most of Oscar sitting frozen/paused on the floor with his Imaginary Friend) for about a 10 second scene - mostly of Oscar sitting paused on the floor hugging his imaginary friend - but don't think I ought to use all the video I have of it or it'll be 8 hours long and might take a while to load to YouTube. :)