I'm still working on moving my sims out of Dark Harbor.
I sent some to Cornucopia and I posted about them already.
The rest have arrived safely in Glenvale City.
Dark Harbor is now empty of my sims.
The thing I ended up doing was starting a new game in Dark Harbor. Then I shut down the game and copied the nhd file for Dark Harbor from my Big Game save and replaced the nhd file in the new game in Dark Harbor. Then I launched the game. It mostly seemed to work.
The only issue I had was with one household. I have a sim, a son of Patience, named Tom Fields. He is important to the story and pops into it occasionally. Somehow he managed to become a bigamist. He has a long time wife and family in Lucky Palms which is where his main residence is. Then he visited family in Dark Harbor and caught up with an ex-girlfriend from their boarding school days. They got along very well and soon there was romance and babies and getting married. I thought this would be typical sort of thing for a child of Patience. She is a heart breaker and has had a series of partners. It's just that Tom has taken it to another level.
Well, during my census I found Tom living happily with his wife and family in Lucky Palms. So I didn't expect him to appear in the game when I launched it. He wasn't in Dark Harbor, but when I loaded the game with only the Dark Harbor nhd file he was suddenly in the house with his second wife and children. This was going to give me problems. Although it may have been a great solution for the two wives.
So I got Isabel to travel to Glenvale City with the Hansen family. This is Marty with his second wife, Marcie and their 4 children. Marty was married to Patience and they had 5 children together before she moved out to live with Gobias and have 5 more children with him. Marcie moved in with Marty as a live in nanny but they eventually decided to get married and have a family together. It was this family who Isabel took to Glenvale City. Before they travelled I saved the Hansen home to my library and I placed it in Glenvale County. There is plenty of space in this new world. And it is not populated so I can move all of the sims still in Dark Harbor into the world.
After placing the Hansens I sent Isabel back for the Harmons but that didn't work. Tom's second wife is part of the Harmon family. The Harmons are from a very early game I was playing soon after Sims 3 was released.
In order to not lose all of my witches and the Harmons and Tom's second family and a few others I tried the desperate and tricky step of copying across the Dark Harbor nhd file from the Big Game save to the new save I just made.
When I launched that new save with the old nhd file in it I was stunned to see an absolutely perfect Tom living with Donna and their three toddlers. I'd just had Donna active and Tom wasn't in the world but when I opened the same nhd file in a fresh save there he was.
I decided to worry about that later. I packed up the Harmons, including Donna and the toddlers using NRAAS Porter. Then I did it again, but this time I included Tom in the packed file.
Then I saved the Harmon houses to my library.
Then I packed up all of the remaining sims from the world and saved most of their homes to the library.
Then I launched the Big Game and opened it with Isabel in Glenvale City. I put the Base Camp from Dark Harbor into Glenvale City as that helps greatly when sims are travelling around.
I sent Isabel to Lucky Palms to pick up the valid version of Tom and they travelled back to Glenvale City together.
I placed the houses from my library. Some needed me to place new different sized lots but I eventually got them all into the world.
Next I unpacked the Harmon file without the extra version of Tom. I moved the version of Tom that Isabel had brought from Lucky Palms into the house with Donna and the toddlers. I checked their family trees. Their family trees were messed up. Donna had the toddlers in her family tree. Tom had Donna and the toddlers in his family tree. But they didn't know each other. I was faced with some mind numbing issues to fix the family trees. It could probably have been done but I didn't like the idea of trying to fix it.
So I shut down and relaunched, still with the Tom from Lucky Palms in the Base Camp with Isabel. This time I unpacked the version of the Harmons with Tom in it. When it was unpacking the mod asked me if I wanted it to automatically handle potential doppelgangers. I said YES!!!
Then I moved Tom in with Donna and their family trees were all good and they were all together as a family. I still have to return him to Lucky Palms.
I managed to get all of the Harmons into their various houses. All but one of the five Harmon children are Young Adults now but Donna is the only one to be married. The others are all single and found homes around the world. I redirected a few of them and spent time with each household upgrading fridges and stoves and beds etc. And emptying inventories. Then I saved and had a sleep as it was late at night her by then.
Next day I unpacked the witches and the rest of the occupants of Dark Harbor into their houses.
One family, The Kelly's from Dragon Valley were living in a dark house. You may remember the dark grey stone build I refreshed and made all white and shiny for the 30 Grandchildren Game. Well, they were in that house, but their version was before I spent a day giving it a makeover. So I didn't get a copy of their house. I checked and none of their personal stuff was in it so I just picked them up. And I placed the shiny white version of that house into Glenvale City and moved the Kellys into it. I spent a bit of time with them redecorating and left them to it.
Then I focused on the Bombay families. The Bombays are mostly all witches. They are from a few different previous games. One game was played in Alpine County. It was where I was trying to get my male witch, Gene Bombay, to have babies in as many different ways as possible. All sorts of things went on including me adding a moodlet to give him an alien pregnancy. It wasn't until much later that I learned witches can't have alien pregnancies. But he had the moodlet and the pregnancy proceeded and Sophia was born.
I captured Sophia's mother and her alien brother Orthopox and they were packed in the Porter file with the Bombays.
Gene lived with three female witches and one of them seduced Orthopox and had a baby with 54% Alien DNA.
Altogether there were about 30 Bombays in that world. There are more of them in other worlds including Moonfall Isalnd. They all know each other and some are related to each other. I first played some of them in Dragon Valley. Except a couple of them may have been played briefly. I initially made 15 female witches and then I made a similar number of male witches. The reason was to attempt some badges relating to witches. I forget the details now but I never got them. Mostly because I lost interest. I found the effort a bit boring. But I had all of those witches I'd made and wanted to use them somehow so I made the Witches Village in Dragon Valley. Most of the houses the Bombays now live in were built up on that plateau in Dragon Valley. They are tiny buildings with large to massive basements.
And as I was placing all of these witches into their rightful homes it occurred to me that the children have imaginary friends in their inventories. And you know what I like to do to imaginary friend dolls. So I interrupted my placing Bombays into their homes to work with each family as I came to it. I got them into their correct home and then I turned each and every imaginary friend real. So far I've completed 2 households. I am working on a third. But I'm getting a collection of interesting imaginary friends made real.
It's late here now and I'm tired so I'll continue working on it tomorrow.
And something else I did wrong and have to decide how to fix. Remember I posted pictures of Amethist yesterday. Well, I forgot Blossom Flower was living in Dark Harbor and she was packed with the Bombays. So now I have two special gem covered fairies in Glenvale City. I want only one of them in each world so I might move Amethist to another world that doesn't have a gem covered fairy. She could possibly go to Glenvale County.
But I did get some screen shots today so I'll share some here to give you some idea.
This is Bernadette Bombay. She's 54% alien DNA and born in game as mentioned above.
This is Fabian Shukepoj. He is the Imaginary Friend made real of Sophia, the alien baby born to my male witch, Gene Bombay.
I thought his pose amusing. I don't have any poses in my game so this is something he came up with on his own. I just screenshotted it.
I almost gave him green alien skin but decided not to - for now.
I almost lost the made over version of him. I tried to save one too many times and got an Error 12. But it did let me 'Share' him so I have him in my library and as a .Sims3Pack file. Now I've got to decide what to do with the unmadeover version of him that I saved previously. Maybe I'll make that version with a green alien skin. I'll see what happens tomorrow.
Gene Bombay's dog had some old bones in his inventory and he managed to reconstruct a couple of things with them.
Gotta get those inventories emptied.
This is Britney Bombay - one of the children born in the game where Gene was trying to get babies in all sorts of different ways. Britney was cloned from dna Gene got from Bunnie Bombay. So she came out of a machine.
I didn't get a pic of her imaginary friend once it was made real and made over. Fabian is the only one I got a pic of unfortunately. Lucky I managed to save him. I wasn't looking forward to making him over again.
Belinda Bombay is the daughter of Bess and Gene Bombay. She was just born as a result of them trying for baby.
That's it. Tomorrow is another day. I've almost completed working through the Bombays so I have the Rackets to do next and the Shukepojs and I'm sure there'll be a few others. It's just the older Rackets. Shark is in Lucky Palms having babies with one of Patience and Marty's daughters. You'll see that mixed up family at some stage when Eric and Co visit them on one of their holidays to Lucky Palms. They'll be visiting Lucky Palms a few times as several of Eric's relatives live there, including his parents.
Happy Simming All
EDIT: One thing I've noticed is that since I've been using Traveller mod to set sims in other worlds to not age, the previously aged up sims are reverting to their previous youthful stages. You can see Bernadette as a child in a screen shot I got today. She's sitting in on a chair in the background of one of the shots I posted above. And yet, in a screen shot I got of her a few days ago and also posted above, she's a teen. She seems to have reverted to being a child. I've noticed this happening with lots of young sims. I'm finding that interesting and wondering if I'll see it happening in other worlds when I visit them again.