Forum Discussion
8 years agoHero
It will be in a spoiler... :)
So after class, I go off to the park near the beach for a little bit... :)
While I was there, I saw Carol Chen stalking over to the park... :)
I just hope that she's not stalking me as I haven't done anything to her yet.
So I'm off to the Science building to do a day job that I got off of the board. The day job is a organ donation job... :)
What I made after doing the day job... :)
So while I was there, Jeffery Dean was outside of the building probably going to class. A rear end shot of him just because... :smiley:
A shot of Tammy Parker just because... :)
So I got back to the dorm and looked at the board to see what dares that they have up there that I may want to try. So the dare that popped up was the Make-out with someone dare. So I called Brian up and invited him over since it's been about a day or 2 that haven't seen him. Plus I was missing him... :)
SS: Hello Brian! How are you doing?
Brian: I'm doing fine. How about you?
SS: I'm doing fine, I'm just missing you since I haven't seen you in a couple of day... :) I'm calling to see if you want to come over for a little bit and hangout with me. So will you come over and keep me company?
Brian: Oh sure, I'll come over to see you. I've waiting for you to call me as I too have missed you.
SS: Oh cool, can't wait to see you... :) I'm over at the Malan building... :)
Brian: I know where that is. I'll be there shortly. I can't wait to see you again Lisa... :)
SS: I can't wait to see you too Brian. See ya when you get here... :)
Just because... :) He actually looks excited to be coming for a visit... :)
SS thinking to herself: Okay I invite a guy over and all he's interested in is reading a book. I need to a stop to this and make my move if I want to get this dare done. Plus I've always wanted to kiss him anyhow. So why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone?
SS: Oh Brian, I got something that I need to get off of my chest over here, but I'm a bit nervous about it.
Brian: You can tell me anything, I'm here to listen to whatever you need to tell me. I think that you're a strong person and you shouldn't be afraid to tell me anything. Okay?
SS: Okay!
And of course Tammy has to come in on our private conversation just to listen to the radio in this room.
SS wanting to yell at Tammy but doesn't: Hey Tammy, there's plenty of enough radios in this dorm for you to go listen to. Why the heck do you want to use this radio for?
SS: Okay here goes nothing. Brian, I really like you a lot. I'm so glad that I met you last semester at the bowling alley. And I would like to take a chance on you and I getting together... :)
Brian: Well I'm glad that you feel the same way that I do. I want us to take a chance at each other as I think that we would go together really good. I feel like you complete me and I complete you... :)
Brian: Come here for a hug, sweetie.
SS: Okay, honey pie... :)
SS: That hug felt real good. I love hugging you... <3
Brian: The feeling mutual... <3
SSI've got another surprise for you Brian... :smiley:
Brian: Oh what could it be?
SS: I've got you some red roses. I hope you like them... :)
Brian: Not only do I like them, I love them because they are from you... :) Thank you sweetheart, you're so sweet... :blush:
SS: oh shucks, you're welcome... :blush:
SS: You look a little tense at the moment. How about a back massage?
Brian: Sure, that sounds good. It was a tense day in class today and I really could use this right now... :)
SS: Turn around then and I will work my magic on you... :)
Brian: OH YAY, that's the spot. That feels so good. I really appreciate you doing this. Oh, and your hands do work wonders on me... :blush:
SS: ummm, I got something else to tell you Brian!
Brian: What is it? You can tell me... :)
SS thinking to herself: I hope that he's doesn't break my heart.
SS: This... :*
SS thinking to herself again: Whoa, not heartbreaking going on here now.
Brian: WOW, that was quite the surprise. I loved it... <3
SS: I was a bit nervous to do that as I didn't know if you would turn me down.
Brian: Me turn you down? Never. I would never turn you down on anything. Do you understand?
SS: Yes I understand. And I'm glad that you liked the surprise kiss... <3
Brian: My heart belongs to you now... :)
Brian: Come here sweetie for an embrace... :)
SS: Sure, why not. I just love gazing in your eyes... :)
BrianDo you want to go and watch the sees with me?
SS: Sure, I'll go watch the stars with you. I loved watching the stars with you the other night... :)
Brian: I did too... :)
Brian: I'm sorry that I didn't bring something to put down on this wet ground. Are you going to be okay sitting here like that?
SS: No need to be sorry, you didn't know how the night was going to turn out, now did you? And yes, I will be okay on the ground like this.
Brian: I should had been prepared with a blanket or a tarp knowing that I wanted to watch the stars with you again. I need to remember to pack one the next time that we get together.
Brian: I really am enjoying myself out here with you... :)
SS: I'm enjoying myself too with you out here... :)
SS: Oh look up there, that either looks like a shooting star or a UFO... ;)
Brian: No silly, it's a shooting star and I hope that you made a wish on it. You do know that there's no such thing as UFO's or aliens, don't you?
SS thinking to herself: If only you knew the truth about UFO's and aliens.
Brian: I got one thing to ask you.
SS: You're got something ask me! What is it?
Brian: hehehe, would you let me finish talking?
SS: Yes, sorry that I interrupted you while you were talking to me.
Brian: It's okay. I um, I want to know if you want to go steady with me?
SS: Oh Brian, I would love to be your girlfriend. So yes, I would go with you... <3
Brian: OH thank goodness, I'm glad that you feel the same way as I do. Come here for another hug and kiss... :)
SS: I've never gone steady without anyone in my life, so this is a first for me.
Brian: I can't believe that you've never gone steady with anyone before. I would had thought a young beautiful woman as yourself would had the guys begging to go out with you.
SS: Well I do but I've turned them all down as they were all bad guys. But I will have to tell you later about myself and how I was back when I was younger or I should say when I was in high school.
Brian: I would most certainly like to hear about your younger days but it's getting late and I'm sleepy and as much as I would love to stay with you all night, I do have to get some rest for my class later. See ya later baby... :)
SS: Well I'm glad that I called you tonight to come over and hang out for a little bit.
Brian: I am too. Here's a little kiss from me to you... :)
SS: Have sweet dreams tonight.
Brian: Oh I will and you do the same.
I really need to write down on how I feel about Brian and mail it to him so that he doesn't forget... <3 <3
Yeah, yeah, yeah Ye, you really think that Brian wants you? Well guess what? He doesn't want you as he wants me, so stop with you trying to throw yourself at him all of the time.
While I was there, I saw Carol Chen stalking over to the park... :)
I just hope that she's not stalking me as I haven't done anything to her yet.
So I'm off to the Science building to do a day job that I got off of the board. The day job is a organ donation job... :)
What I made after doing the day job... :)
So while I was there, Jeffery Dean was outside of the building probably going to class. A rear end shot of him just because... :smiley:
A shot of Tammy Parker just because... :)
So I got back to the dorm and looked at the board to see what dares that they have up there that I may want to try. So the dare that popped up was the Make-out with someone dare. So I called Brian up and invited him over since it's been about a day or 2 that haven't seen him. Plus I was missing him... :)
SS: Hello Brian! How are you doing?
Brian: I'm doing fine. How about you?
SS: I'm doing fine, I'm just missing you since I haven't seen you in a couple of day... :) I'm calling to see if you want to come over for a little bit and hangout with me. So will you come over and keep me company?
Brian: Oh sure, I'll come over to see you. I've waiting for you to call me as I too have missed you.
SS: Oh cool, can't wait to see you... :) I'm over at the Malan building... :)
Brian: I know where that is. I'll be there shortly. I can't wait to see you again Lisa... :)
SS: I can't wait to see you too Brian. See ya when you get here... :)
Just because... :) He actually looks excited to be coming for a visit... :)
SS thinking to herself: Okay I invite a guy over and all he's interested in is reading a book. I need to a stop to this and make my move if I want to get this dare done. Plus I've always wanted to kiss him anyhow. So why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone?
SS: Oh Brian, I got something that I need to get off of my chest over here, but I'm a bit nervous about it.
Brian: You can tell me anything, I'm here to listen to whatever you need to tell me. I think that you're a strong person and you shouldn't be afraid to tell me anything. Okay?
SS: Okay!
And of course Tammy has to come in on our private conversation just to listen to the radio in this room.
SS wanting to yell at Tammy but doesn't: Hey Tammy, there's plenty of enough radios in this dorm for you to go listen to. Why the heck do you want to use this radio for?
SS: Okay here goes nothing. Brian, I really like you a lot. I'm so glad that I met you last semester at the bowling alley. And I would like to take a chance on you and I getting together... :)
Brian: Well I'm glad that you feel the same way that I do. I want us to take a chance at each other as I think that we would go together really good. I feel like you complete me and I complete you... :)
Brian: Come here for a hug, sweetie.
SS: Okay, honey pie... :)
SS: That hug felt real good. I love hugging you... <3
Brian: The feeling mutual... <3
SSI've got another surprise for you Brian... :smiley:
Brian: Oh what could it be?
SS: I've got you some red roses. I hope you like them... :)
Brian: Not only do I like them, I love them because they are from you... :) Thank you sweetheart, you're so sweet... :blush:
SS: oh shucks, you're welcome... :blush:
SS: You look a little tense at the moment. How about a back massage?
Brian: Sure, that sounds good. It was a tense day in class today and I really could use this right now... :)
SS: Turn around then and I will work my magic on you... :)
Brian: OH YAY, that's the spot. That feels so good. I really appreciate you doing this. Oh, and your hands do work wonders on me... :blush:
SS: ummm, I got something else to tell you Brian!
Brian: What is it? You can tell me... :)
SS thinking to herself: I hope that he's doesn't break my heart.
SS: This... :*
SS thinking to herself again: Whoa, not heartbreaking going on here now.
Brian: WOW, that was quite the surprise. I loved it... <3
SS: I was a bit nervous to do that as I didn't know if you would turn me down.
Brian: Me turn you down? Never. I would never turn you down on anything. Do you understand?
SS: Yes I understand. And I'm glad that you liked the surprise kiss... <3
Brian: My heart belongs to you now... :)
Brian: Come here sweetie for an embrace... :)
SS: Sure, why not. I just love gazing in your eyes... :)
BrianDo you want to go and watch the sees with me?
SS: Sure, I'll go watch the stars with you. I loved watching the stars with you the other night... :)
Brian: I did too... :)
Brian: I'm sorry that I didn't bring something to put down on this wet ground. Are you going to be okay sitting here like that?
SS: No need to be sorry, you didn't know how the night was going to turn out, now did you? And yes, I will be okay on the ground like this.
Brian: I should had been prepared with a blanket or a tarp knowing that I wanted to watch the stars with you again. I need to remember to pack one the next time that we get together.
Brian: I really am enjoying myself out here with you... :)
SS: I'm enjoying myself too with you out here... :)
SS: Oh look up there, that either looks like a shooting star or a UFO... ;)
Brian: No silly, it's a shooting star and I hope that you made a wish on it. You do know that there's no such thing as UFO's or aliens, don't you?
SS thinking to herself: If only you knew the truth about UFO's and aliens.
Brian: I got one thing to ask you.
SS: You're got something ask me! What is it?
Brian: hehehe, would you let me finish talking?
SS: Yes, sorry that I interrupted you while you were talking to me.
Brian: It's okay. I um, I want to know if you want to go steady with me?
SS: Oh Brian, I would love to be your girlfriend. So yes, I would go with you... <3
Brian: OH thank goodness, I'm glad that you feel the same way as I do. Come here for another hug and kiss... :)
SS: I've never gone steady without anyone in my life, so this is a first for me.
Brian: I can't believe that you've never gone steady with anyone before. I would had thought a young beautiful woman as yourself would had the guys begging to go out with you.
SS: Well I do but I've turned them all down as they were all bad guys. But I will have to tell you later about myself and how I was back when I was younger or I should say when I was in high school.
Brian: I would most certainly like to hear about your younger days but it's getting late and I'm sleepy and as much as I would love to stay with you all night, I do have to get some rest for my class later. See ya later baby... :)
SS: Well I'm glad that I called you tonight to come over and hang out for a little bit.
Brian: I am too. Here's a little kiss from me to you... :)
SS: Have sweet dreams tonight.
Brian: Oh I will and you do the same.
I really need to write down on how I feel about Brian and mail it to him so that he doesn't forget... <3 <3
Yeah, yeah, yeah Ye, you really think that Brian wants you? Well guess what? He doesn't want you as he wants me, so stop with you trying to throw yourself at him all of the time.
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