This is my story about Lisa Dawnlight and her adventures in Riverview... :)
So I just moved to Riverview from Appaloosa Plains to get away from bad memories that I just want to forget about and to get on with my new life. So I went from town to town trying to find a new place that I could call home. I arrived in Riverview and just fall in love with the landscaping and marveled at how peaceful and friendly this town is, so I decided that this is the place for me. I went looking for houses and found a nice starter home, so I called the real estate agent who's name was on the "For Sale" sign and set up an appointment with her so that I can take a look at the house. The house has a living room, kitchen, 1 bathroom and 2 bedrooms, so I told her that I wanted it and signed the papers for the deed. Once I moved in, I knocked down the wall between the 2 bedrooms and made 1 big bedroom for me.
So on my first day living there, I had 2 visitors show up to greet me to the neighborhood. They were 2 guys, one was Yuri Ivanov and the other one is Hal Breckridge... :)
I was given flowers from both guys. Yuri is the one with the long black hair and Hal is in the red tank top... :)
Yuri wasn't too happy about Hal giving me flowers, so he went and whipped out his guitar to play for me... :) I guess he thinks that he needs to impress me since I had accepted the flowers from Hal, Yuri had the negative symbol above his head as he walked off to play some music... :p
So I go and invite the guys into my house... :)
It would seem that the conversation was about the universe as these types of thought bubbles kept popping up while they were Maybe Yuri is saying: "Hey babe, your my universe."
Then Yuri talked to Hal after talking to me... :)
Now Yuri is talking about music with Hal... :)
Now Hal is talking about shooting stars... :) Maybe he's saying: "I wished upon a star to meet the lady of my dreams."
Now Yuri and I just kept flirting with each other using our eyes and body language... <3
Yuri must had liked the flirting taking place between the 2 of us... :)
Yup, I would say must certainly by the look on his face in this picture... :p
I hope you're just tired Yuri as I am not ready to go to bed with you just yet because we just met and I don't know much about you... o:)
I am most certainly on his mind... :)
Me: Okay SS, why are you going into your bedroom with 2 guys in your house? You barely know these guys, so why is Hal following you into your room?
Me: Ah, okay. You just wanted to have a pillow fight with Hal while Yuri goes outside to stand on the porch... :) The looks on the Sims faces when they pillow fight is just too funny... :p
Alright Yuri, what are you implying?... :o
Then Lisa goes out to talk to Yuri about her new house... :)
That's it for now as I will have more later to post... :)
So Donny wanted to talk about his favorite comic books. He said that his favorite book is The Walking Dead comics... :)
So while I was talking to Donny, I got a phone call from a telemarketer. I really hate when telemarketers call my cell phone... :s
Just as the festival was closing down for the night, I get a phone call from @CravenLestat SS asking me out on a date, so I accepted. The weird thing is, is that he wants to meet at the junkyard. Who really takes a date to the junkyard?... :p
Craven: Hello Lisa. How are you are tonight? SS: Hello Craven. I'm doing okay... :) Craven: That's good. I'm so glad that you accepted my date for tonight. I've been thinking about you a lot but I've been too busy with work and all. So how's your art going? SS: Well I'm glad that you called me. I was just at the festival when you called. Craven: Oh, I'm sorry if you already had other things that you were doing... :( SS: It's okay, it was closing down for the night. So I was probably going to go home and paint some more so that I can sell them... :) Craven: Oh okay, then I'm glad that you weren't already out on a date with another guy. SS: Well if I was, I wouldn't had accepted your date, now would I? Craven: I suppose not but you just never know with some of these women nowadays who just like to lead people on... :/ SS: Well I'm not like those women who will do something like that as that's not me. I wouldn't want some guy to do that to me, so I wouldn't want to do that to someone either. And as for my art going, it's going pretty good. I've registered as a self-employed painter just the other day. And I've been taking up some courses at the university to get my degree in the fine arts... :) Craven: Well that's very good. I'm sure that you will churn out some very good art... :)
Craven: I'm so glad that today was a sunny day as I was getting tired of all of this rain that we've been having. SS: Oh me too. This rain is just too much. It's a good thing that I have an indoor greenhouse for some of my plants or else they all would be dead by now.
SS: I have this funny video on my phone. Do you want to see it? Craven: Sure, I want to see it. I just love looking at funny videos myself. That's nothing wrong with a good laugh or 2 every once in awhile... :)
Craven: OMG, that doggie just knocked the other doggie over to get to his food dish....hehehe
SS telling Craven a joke... :)
Craven: Um Lisa, do you want to watch the stars with me? SS: Sure, I would love to watch the stars with you... :)
Well that got cancelled out as we were walking into the junkyard section of the lot. Not sure why but both my SS and Craven had both looked over to the dirty old couch and had the couch in their thought bubble with a red circle around it. Plus Kiwi Birdie was there and she wanted to talk to my SS but that too got cancelled out as Kiwi was being approached by Hope Carpenter.
Now what's Hope's problem with Kiwi, I do not know but she proceeded to stump her foot at Kiwi and started slapping her across the face while the entire time, I'm thinking about
And Craven proceeds to start digging through the trash piles in the yard... :s
Then as he's walking around to the other side so that he can go inside for a little bit, he's thinking about me.
Then it's back to digging through the piles again.
So since the watch the stars with me request from Craven got cancelled out, I did the asking this time and it worked... :)
Craven: OOPs, sorry Lisa that you're sitting in the dead weeds over there. SS: It's okay. They won't hurt me because I'm a tough gal like that... :)
SS: OH, that looks like a UFO over there.
Craven: No, that's a shooting star there, not an UFO silly. SS thinking to herself: Yeah believe what you want but there is UFO's out there in the night sky.
Craven: I made a wish on the shooting star but I can't tell you what it is.
SS: Oh Craven, I have a present for you. Craven: I just hope it's not the end table over there. SS: Don't worry, it's not the end table that's next to us. Craven: Oh, it's pumpkin. Thank you, I can go home and carve a jack-o-lantern now with it... :) SS: You're welcome... :) I can't wait to see what your jack-o-lantern looks like... :)
Shaka Bra... :)
Getting to know Craven a little bit better. He loves the outdoors so far and he's a Sagittarius... :)
I got a hug from Craven. he did this on his own... :)
SS: UM, Craven, what is that over there? Craven: WHAT? WHERE?
Craven: I don't see anything back that way. SS: Just keep looking because there's something back there.
SS: I got you real Craven: OH man, you got me all wet now... :p
SS: Okay Craven, it's 7:00am in the morning. As much as I would like to stay and hang out with you all day, I really do need to get home and take care of my plants and do some more paintings. Thank you for a wonderful date even though it was in a junkyard... :) Craven: Well thank you again for accepting my date last night. I really did have fun just hanging out with you, even if I did invite you to the junkyard. Maybe we should do this again hopefully soon... :) SS: That would be fun. Bye Craven. See ya later! Craven: Bye Lisa. See ya later!
On my way home, I saw another sim that I made for a save that I was playing last December. It's Banana Jones... :)
A screenshot of my driving home from my date with Craven.
So when I got home, Norman calls to talk to me... :)
After talking to Norman, I went and made some pancakes for breakfast... :)
Now time to learn a new recipe... :)
So I had go give a business presentation at a building in town for my Charisma skill... :)
Donny on his way to work in his classic car... :)
So after I got done tending my garden, I decided to go across the street and visit with Craven... :)
Craven: Oh hello Lisa. What brings you over here today? SS: I was just coming over to say "hi" and to see how your doing today... :) I know that I could had just picked up the phone to do that with but I just wanted to get out and visit some of my friends... :) Craven: Well I'm glad that you came by for a visit... :) Would you like to come inside for a little bit and to get out of this rain? SS: Sure I would love to. Thank you... :)
SS: So how is your day going today? Craven: It's going good. Thank you for asking... :) SS: That's good to hear... :)
Craven: Can you believe that it's raining again today? SS: Yeah I know. I really wish that it wouldn't rain everyday. I would like to get out and see the scenery and maybe take my easel somewhere to paint a still life painting.
SS: You ever play rock, scissors or paper? Craven: Have I ever played that game? Well why yes I have. And I'm the best at this game. Want see how good I am at it? SS: Sure, you're on... :) Craven: Okay but don't say that I didn't warn I didn't get a picture when the game was over with when Craven tried to scare my SS
SS: You have a nice place here for yourself, Craven... :) Craven: Well thank you for the compliment of my house... :)
Next we went into his room to have a pillow :p Craven: OUCH, right in the face... :p
Craven: Get ready for my pillow :p
SS: That was right on the kisser... :open_mouth:
Craven: That was a fun pillow fight that we had there... :) SS: hehehe, that it was... :smiley:
Craven: Black is my favorite color. What is yours? SS: Lilac is my favorite even though I do like other colors like red, blue and pink... :)
Next I got Craven to pose for me... :)
SS: I dare you to eat a spoonful if cinnamon, Craven... :) Craven: I accept your
Another hug from Craven...awwww so cute... :)
Watching TV and chatting at the same time... :)
We were watching the news... :)
Craven was clapping at something that they just showed on the news. Maybe it's going to rain
So when I left from his house, I went home and fixed me some Goopy Carbonara...YUMMY... :)
So I ate it outside in the pouring rain... :)
Next update from me... :) It will be in a spoiler... :)
I'm chatting with Craven over the computer. I just learned all of his traits. He loves the outdoors, loves the heat, a natural cook, handy and he's disciplined... :) I like his traits and we do have some of them in common... :)
I've finally broke down and decided to attempt to try this so-called time portal that my strange visitor, Emit Relevart had told me about. So let's see if he's just a crazy loony man or if he's for real and was telling me the truth. I am curious about my future, so who's to say that I can't peak my interest and see for myself. SS: Okay, lets see how does this thing work? What was that Emit told me to do? Oh yeah, he said to swipe my foot over it and step inside of it. Okay, let's do this. And I hope that this doesn't hurt.
SS: WHOA, that first step is a doozy... :#
Oh my, there's my strange visitor, Emit Relevart.
Emit: Well hello Lisa! It's so nice of you to finally take the first step into the portal to come visit me. SS: Well I figured it was about time to take my chances with the portal and to see for myself if what you told me was all real or fiction. Emit: Well I'm glad that you decided to take that chance. I was just about to give up on you and think that you were going to be a no show. SS: Well it's just that I keep getting abducted by the aliens as they keep wanting to know about the time portal in my yard. And I keep telling them that I know nothing about it but they seem to think that I do. Emit: What else do they ask you? SS: Not much really other than who left it there and why and what do I know about it. Have you figured out why they keep abducting me and why they're so interested in the time portal? Emit: Why would I know why they keep abducting you? SS: Well you are from the future and it was you that gave me the Almanac of Time. And I'm quite sure that you have a library or some kind of government building with records of people from the past. Do you not have something like that? Emit: Yes, we do have those things but you must also remember that as long as you are still alive in your timeline, the things that you do every waking moment of your life can change from day to day. And that means that the things you do in your past er, present time can change the outcome in this present, er my present timeline. You understand? SS:I think so. So let me get this straight then. If I learn something about my past while I'm here that I may not like, I can go back to my timeline and hopefully try to change the future outcome of it then? Emit: Yes, something like that. You can look up lotto numbers for your present time and go back home and play those numbers and come out a winner. OOPs, I said too much, didn't I? SS: I'm still not a believer of all of this but I will try to keep an open mind. Oh who I'm kidding? I've been abducted several times and place on a strange planet on one of those times, so I should believe what you're telling me but it's Emit: it's just hard to believe and too much to take in all at once. SS: How did you know that was what I was going to say? Oh never mind, you're from the future and probably already know what I'm doing here and what I'm going to do. For all I know, I could had already been here but just don't remember it. Is that right? Emit: To answer your question about already being here, then no. You have never been here before as this is your first time through the portal. I do believe that you would remember and that you would already had experienced the side effects of time travel. SS: Side effects of time traveling? Well, what are they? Emit: Well there's the time anomaly side effect that if you don't go and get treated right away, you could die from it. SS: Oh great! So you're telling me that I risked my life to travel to the future and that I could end up with this time anomaly illness and die from it? Emit: Yes I'm telling you this so that you if you should start feeling ill, then you need to get to the hospital right away for treatment. SS: Well I do appreciate the warning Mr. Relevart. Emit: Just call me Emit. Now your first assignment here will be to learn how to fly around with this jet pack here. SS: Jet pack? You mean like the Jetsons wore in that cartoon? Emit: Yes, that type of jet pack. This is to get your toes wet with technology if you want to fit in with this timeline and not look like an outsider. Okay? SS: Okay. What do I need to do to use this? Emit: You just need to find a nice open spot and place the pack on your back and just hit the take off button when your ready to fly around. Then just hit the stop button to land. Got it? SS: Got it... :) Emit: Oh and one more thing. You have some descendants that live in town. I will give you the address so if you should decide to pay them a visit, then you will know where they live. SS: Descendants you say?... :open_mouth: But I'm not married nor have I been with anyone to even have gotten pregnant yet. Emit: That may be but you will be in the past, er I mean in the future, I mean your future timeline in Riverview. SS: Well if you know that, then can you tell me how many kids that I will have and who their father will be? Oh, never mind. I don't really need to know that right now. Now let me go and try out this jet pack.
SS thinking to herself: Wow, this place looks so modern. I wonder what else they have here... :)
SS: WHOA! Who would ever think that I would be flying like this. This is so Jetson awesome... :p
SS: WOW! This is so cool. I feel like Tinkerbell right now. All I need is the fairy wings to go with this jet pack and I'll be good to go :p
SS: UH OH, I think Emit left out one minor detail about jet pack flying. He left out the part about the landing might be a bit rough... :s
SS: This is going to hurt for a few days... :'(
OOOH look, tomato plants to harvest... :)
And melons. I'll take these home to plant them at a later time... :)
SS: Okay, I guess I should head on over to my future grandkids or great grandkids or whatever the heck they are. I have no idea how far into the future that this place is, so I can only guess how far they go.
Well since they weren't there when I got over to their house, I will go to the Plumbot store since that is my next opportunity. My next opportunity wants me to meet a plumbot and get them to tell me what their function is.
SS thinking to herself: OH MY. This place is something. Who would of thought that the future would actually have plumbots? This is what the sci-fi movies are made of. I just hope that I don't encounter any type of terminators or anything else like that. I, Plumbot: Hello! Welcome to the Nuts n' Bolts Bot Emporium. How may I be of some service to you? SS: Well hello there, er... I, Plumbot: I am I, Plumbot. How may I be of some service to you? SS: Hello I, Plumbot. I was sent here by Emit Relevart to meet some...some of the local plumbots. I. Plumbot: Well it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. How may I be of some service? SS: I'm just here to learn about bots.
I, Plumbot: You look a little tense. Turn around and I will massage your back for you. SS: Well okay. Thank you... :)
SS: Thank you for that, I needed it. Now what else can you do? I, Plumbot: I can dance. Do you want to see me dance? SS: A dancing plumbot? Well sure, I would love to see you dance.
SS: Lovely. What else do you do? I, Plumbot: I am a consignment specialist. I have the friendly functions chip, the bi-ped plumbot office drone and the mood adjuster chip.
The next opportunity was to do a trait chip adjustment. OOPs, I gave him the "Afraid of humans" chip. I shall replace that with the limitless learning chip.
SS: Oh great! They even have zombies in the future... :o
Me: Really? Why would you want to woohoo with a plumbot?
OH NO, another zombie attack....NOOOOOOOOO
Let me see what kind of fancy contraption this thing is.
OH, this is where we learn how to research and design nanites as well as building a plumbot... :)
Giving a plumbot a high 5... :)
OH NO, I'm surrounded by zombies now. How the heck will I ever escape them?
OHHH, lucky for me, these zombies can't attack me as they end up grabbing their head in the middle of an attack... :p
Oh look at this, it's a little light ball. So let me see what it does... :)
Oh it's a Laser Rhythm-a-Con and you can make music on it. COOOOOL.... :smile:
Oh look, they have painting easels here in the future. I guess I will paint a still-life painting of this plumbot that's behind me... :)
Not bad. I will take it home with me and hang it up in my house so that I can have proof of what's to come in the future... :)
I want to try write a love letter to Craven Lestat while I'm here in the future and see if it gets delivered to his place back at home... :)
hmmm, I wonder what this is and what it does? It is part of the kitchen, so it must be some type of food dispenser. Okay let's see how this works.
Oh there's a food menu that pops up for you to choose from. Cool... :)
Let me try the Autumn Salad. I just hope that it tastes good... :)
SS: Hey Emit, can I take a picture with you? Emit: Sure, why not.
Emit: So are you enjoying yourself here so far? SS: To be honest with you, yes I am enjoying myself and seeing all of these wonderous gadgets that's been invented over the years. Emit: Yes they are a sight to see. Have you had a chance to meet up with your descendants? SS: No not yet. I went over to their house yesterday but they were out, so I will try back later... :)
SS: Can you tell me something about yourself? Emit: What do you want to know? SS: Are you from here or are you from another timeline? Emit: I am from another timeline but chose to stay in this one once I got here. I am scientist and this is where I am the most happiest at. I can do some good here. SS: Thank you for telling me a little something about yourself. But don't you miss your family that you left behind? Emit: I had no family left in my timeline which is why I chose to stay here as I didn't have anyone that would miss me. Now you on the other hand have friends and family back in Riverview that would miss you. SS: I have friends in Riverview but not family as Riverview is not my birthplace. I left my birthplace behind as well as my family as things had gotten bad and I couldn't deal with it anymore.
Emit: Well anyhow, you still have plenty of friends back there whereas I only had 1 friend in my timeline and he was a high school kid who believed in me. He believed in my work while the rest of the town all thought that I was a kook. and a con artist. SS: I'm sorry that you didn't have any family left and that you only have the 1 friend that you left behind. Do you still go and visit with him? Emit: I do every once in awhile. When things don't seem right here in this timeline with the descendants, I will go back in time or send a message to him to let him that something has gone wrong and that he needs to come to the future to see what it is. SS: So I was right about being able to go back to my present to change something here in future? Am I right? Emit: Yes, you are right about that. But I will explain more of that at later time as there is still things that you need to do for me and that is to go read a legacy statue. SS: You mean those statues out at the Legacy Park... :) Emit: Yes over in that park. SS: Okay, that sounds easy enough.
Well I guess I better get this over and done with... :)
Meeting some more of the local plumbots.
I guess it's time that I better dress in the latest fashions so that I don't stand out as an outsider.
A random screenshot.
I just love that there's horses in the future... :)
Let me relax in the hot tub for a little bit... :)
AHHHH, just what I needed... :)
Off to meet some more plumbots... :)
The plumbot is draining energy from the light.
Meet the descendants: Rogelio Dawnlight and Anderson Dawnlight
Shauna Dawnlight and Cassandre Chandelace who isn't one of the descendants.
Curtis Dawnlight I'm not using the last name that I had originally used for my SS as it is my maiden name, so I will be using the Dawnlight name that I used to upload her to the exchange. Even though I changed it in the game, the pop-ups will put in the original name. I guess the only way to change it for my uploaded version of me is if I remake her using the Dawnlight name. But I really don't want to do that if I can help it.
The 1st one that I meet is Rogelio who I believe is married to Shauna since I have seen them kissing. SS: Hello, I'm Lisa Dawnlight. I'm a relative of yours from the past. Rogelio: Well hello Lisa, I'm Rogelio. It's nice to finally meet you... :) And since I really don't know how far into the future that we are in and who is their parents, I'm not going to use the grandmother/great grandmother or great great grandmother until I can figure out who their parents are.
Now into Anderson. Anderson is still a teen.
Next is Shauna who I believe it married to Rogelio.
So you're the artist in the family... :)
Now it's off to meet Curtis. Curtis is a teen and he is in a gang, he's the town thug. I wonder where he get's that from?
He's done asked me for money twice already. It was only $5 total.
SS: I have a present for you... :) Curtis: A present for me. Oh thank you for the pumpkin... :) SS: You're welcome... :)
Getting to know Anderson. We both like purple colors. I'm Lilac while he's purple... :)
SS: Here is a present for you Anderson. Anderson: Thanks but no thanks as I don't know you well enough yet to accept stuff from you. SS: It's okay, I understand. Maybe another time then.
SS: I have a nice little garden in a greenhouse back in my timeline. Anderson: That's cool that you have a garden. Now I know where the green thumb that's in the family comes from... :)
Getting off of these turbo lifts is a doozy... :s
Well it's nice to know that they still do the Smustle in the future. I guess it's just one of those dances that never get
Oh yeah baby, I've the moves... :smiley:
I guess I better get a synthesized drink... :) (I think this was the one that had to be done before going to the Legacy Park to read one of the legacy statues. But since I had already had taken a picture of my SS reading the statue, I swapped the quests around.)
Let me try my hand at playing chess on this crazy looking chess table... :)
I'm tired, so let me try out one of these dream pod beds... :) Not sure what the dream I had as it was sort of weird... :p
Oh look at these unusual plants that they have out here in the wasteland.
I guess I will energize this one with kindness.
SS thinking to herself: hmmm, I wonder what this is?
SS: It looks like some type of artifact. Let me dig it up and take it Emit to see if he knows what it is. I see other debris piles around here.
So after I went to inspect the crash site, I flew back to the base camp to report my findings to Emit. SS: #%$&, I landed head first into the ground again... :#
Emit: So what do have to report back to me about the crash site, Lisa? SS: Well I went out there like you said to do and I did inspect the door. It looks like it needs some type of key to unlock it. I did find some artifacts laying around out in the wasteland. Can you tell me anything about them, Emit? Emit: Well yes I can, they're key fragments for the door. Once you have found all 4 pieces, then you put them together which forms a key. And it's that key that you use to unlock the door to that ship. So I need you to go back out and look for the other 2 pieces of the key and get inside of that ship to search it. Maybe the answers you seek about your abductions may be in there but I can't say for certain as we don't know what it is that the aliens want to know from you other then who and where the time portal came from. SS: Okay, I will get right on it and see what's hidden inside of the ship. Emit: Be careful Lisa as we don't know what or who is inside of the ship if there is anyone still alive in there. SS: Okay, I will be careful. Emit: And one more thing. If you are in any danger, then don't forget to use your jetpack to fly out of there and back here. Okay? SS: Okay, I will remember to do that if I can. Emit: Good luck and safe travels Lisa. SS: Thank you Emit... :)
Before I left to go back to the wasteland, a plumbot wanted to scan me, so I let it do a scan on me. I just hope that it's a safe scan and that I don't end up with any type of illness.
Here's some more of those fragments that Emit said that I needed to find so that I can assemble the key for the crash site.
Now that I got all 4 fragment pieces, I can now put them all together to form the key and see what's inside of this ship.
SS thinking to herself: OH man, this key is so heavy. I wonder if I can even lift it up to the door?
SS: That was a bit of a struggle getting that key up to the keyhole. Now let's see what's inside of it.
Well I see 4 chambers in here. And each one, there is a pedestal with something on them. There was 2 llama statues and 2 moneybags that was worth $4,385 total.
This looks like the control room here. And look, their viewer is still working. I wonder if this is what the aliens wanted to know? They probably wanted to know what crashed their ship or maybe they wanted to know what it carried.
Well I have 1 hour left for this opportunity that I had received while I was still in Riverview to pick a spot in town and display my art. But I ran out of time to finish it up.
Awww, look at the little doggy chasing after his/her tail. So cute... <3
Oh look, there's a pool table here. Time to play some pool... :)
I think that I might just try doing the Gnome Putt-putt again to see if I can do this time around... :)
S: OUCH! That's going to hurt... :#
Okay, come on last couple of balls and go in the holes.
SS: YES, I did it this time... :smiley:
I saw Rogelio as I was exiting out of the building after taking a cooking class in there. So I decided to say Hello... :)
SS: Hello Rogelio. How are you doing today? Rogelio: Hello Lisa. I'm doing just fine. What brings you here today? SS: I was taking a cooking class today as I was curious if there was any new recipes from this timeline that's not in my timeline.
Rogelio: Well that's good that you're trying to learn things from my timeline. What's the weather like in your timeline? SS: Well before I jumped through the time portal that's in my front yard, it was Fall/Autumn and it's being raining just about everyday so far. But I see that it's Summer here at the moment and today doesn't have a cloud in the sky... :)
Shauna: It's so nice of you to stop by Lisa. You're welcome here anytime to visit... :) SS: Thank you Shauna. You have a very nice house... :) Shauna: You're welcome... :) Would you like to come in? Rogelio and the kids would like to see you. SS: Sure, I would love to come in. Is everyone home now? Shauna: Well Rafael is getting ready to go out for a little bit but will be back soon. Rogelio is in the pool out back. Do you swim? SS: Oh okay. I will meet him when he get back. And yes, I love to swim. I'm in the process of learning to snorkel back home as I want to go to Isle Paradiso to do some deep sea diving. Shauna: Oh cool. I wish that we could do some deep sea diving here but our seas got dried up and all we have is the water reservoirs and that's not deep enough to go diving in. So all we can do is snorkel in there or in our pool. SS: Well maybe one of these days, you and the family could come through the time portal and visit with me in my timeline and just maybe take a trip to Isle Paradiso as a family trip... :) Shauna: OH, we would love to do that with one. We might just have to take you up on that offer. It'll allow us to see a real ocean and beaches as all we have to see them is in books and pictures of the past. SS: I'll be looking forward to it then... :)
Anderson: Why did you come here for? I don't know you and I don't like you. So now go away as you are not my family and never will be. You are just a crazy old woman who thought that she got abducted by aliens when there is no such thing as aliens. I'm surprised that you never got put away for being crazy as a loon... :grimace: SS: Listen here Anderson, all of my alien abductions have been documented and has been proven true. I was abducted and then placed on a strange planet with huge mushrooms as I have proof of them back at my house in my time... :D Anderson has the diva trait as well as being a jock, nerd and rebel.
SS: Well hello there little man. You must be Rafael? Rafael: Hello there. And yes, I am Rafael. You must be Lisa, my long last relative from the past? SS: Yes I am Lisa, your long last relative from the past... :) Rafael: It's very nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you... :) SS: Like what have you heard about me? Rafael: I heard that you were cool. Or I should say that we are cool. SS: Well thank you. I think you're cool also... :)
Shaku Bra... :)
SS: My face is silly than Rafael: Mine's sillier than yours...hehehe
Now I'm going out to the pool to swim with the family... :)
SS: Hey everyone, watch me make a big
This is so much fun hanging with my future family members. I'm so glad that I took a chance on coming to the future... :)
Playing with the holo disc sprites... :) I'm going to have cool souvenirs to take home with me... :)
I see a guitar, I need to try it out... :)
A random townie and a plumbot having fun together... :)
I decide to take a drive up to the Old Mine bar.
That's Grant reading a book at the bar.
Jessi Bannister
Doing some dancing by myself... :)
And now I'm dancing with a plumbot... :)
Reading a book in the future... :)
Some random screenshots of Oasis landing... :)
So I saw Jen 003 sneaking up the stairs to one of the upper floors that I was at, so I followed her to see what she was up to.
She was sneaking up on Melvin Hayward to try to scare the living daylights out of
I didn't get a picture of Jen 003 booing the sim sitting on the couch. Jen 003 is laughing at Cassandra O'Brian, the sim that Melvin is talking to.
Then Jen 003 goes over to Melvin to pick him up and starts shaking him up and down. These plumbots are awfully strong to be picking up Sims to shake them... :p
Now back to me... :) I decided to fly back out to the wasteland. I wanted to go meet the hermit that lives on the outskirts of the wasteland, Bennett Obi. But he was out, so maybe the next time when I go to the future I will be able to meet with him... :)
Well since I have this hoverboard in my backpack, let me try to use it instead of flying while I'm out here.
I swear that I could understand my SS when she would say whoa and uh oh while she was using the
So while I was out digging up more key fragments to assemble the ship's key, I saw some of my family out playing in the wasterland. From left to right is as follows: Edwin Archibilt who's the leader of the gang, Robota, JL-58 who's flying, Cassandra Chandelace, Rafael & Curtis & Grant who is my descendants.
Then Shauna was out and about in the Wasteland. She's married to Rogelio who is one of my descendants.
I fell off of the hoverboard once I got to the spot so that I could dig for more key fragments.
Trying to pick up a nanite but couldn't... :#
So I go back inside of the ship and I collect out of it this time 1 llama, 1 TS4 concept art projection program chip, 1 book and a moneybag worth $2599 but I only got $2340 from it.
So I'm going back to the house that I was put in upon my arrival. So this is me getting back on the hoverboard after exiting the tram station.
So I get back to the community housing that I'm staying in and I noticed that I got mail in the box. So I go back out to retrieve it. It was a letter from @CravenLestat. So that means that he had received the letter that I sent him from the future... :)
Off to get a synthesized drink from the synthesize.
SS: EWWWW, yuck! This stuff taste like engine grease... :s
Don't you love the way I pose?... <3
Well I think that it's time to go back to my timeline as I have things that I need to do back at home. Like trying to figure out why some of my descendants are mean little brats.
SS: ughhhh, there I go again felling off of the hoverboard... :#
SS talking to herself: Okay Lisa, just step inside of the portal so that I can go home.
SS looking around: I just hope that no one saw me coming through this portal or they would think that I'm crazy.
SS thinking to herself: Of course it's still raining here. Oh well, let me jump in the water puddle.
Okay, enough of that since it's thundering. And when it's thundering, there's lightning not too far off. So let hang up my pictures and paintings the I did while I was in the future.
A greeting card that I took at the City Hall.
Next is the painting of the still-life that I did of a plumbot.
Now let display the 3 llamas that I got off of the ship.
I was on my way to the store to buy some lotto tickets and I saw Norman Joy coming out of the store as I was entering in to it. Norman waved at me as I was passing by him.
So when I left the store, Norman was waiting outside to talk to me.
Norman: Hello Lisa. How are you doing today? SS: Hello Norman. I'm doing just fine. How are you doing? Norman: I'm doing just fine now that I ran into you. That dress looks good on you. Where you did get it from? SS: I'm glad that you're doing fine today. And thank you about the dress. You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you where I got it from. Norman: Oh why not? Do you think that I would think that you were crazy or something? You know you can tell me anything. SS: Well okay but you still might think that I'm crazy and would want me locked up and the key thrown away for what I'm about to say. Norman: Trust me Lisa, I wouldn't do anything like that. I've seen a lot of strange things around this town, so I wouldn't think of you as crazy or insane. So tell me. SS: Okay, here goes nothing. Well when I first moved into my house, this strange contraption showed up in my front yard, so I ignored it for the time being until I kept getting abducted by aliens. Norman: Go on. SS: On one of my abductions, I was sent to this planet called Lunar Lakes where I had also got abducted on one of the 2 nights that I was there and then I got sent back home to my own house here on the third day of my trip. So I decided to inspect the strange contraption in the front yard and this strange light comes on and this strange guy jumps out of the light. He then tells me his name which is Emit Relevart. He says that he's from the future and then gives this book called the Almanac of Time and then asked me to find 5 power cells so that he can fix the time portal. Once I collected the cells and gave them to him, he fixed his time portal and left. But before he left, he invited me to visit the future but I've held off as I thought that this might be a trick put on by the aliens until I got abducted yet again. I wanted to see why the aliens kept asking me about the portal and what I knew about the future but I kept telling them that I knew nothing. So, now tell me that I am strange and not this never happened and that is was all just in my imagination. Norman: No I will not tell you that you are crazy and that this was all in your imagination as it is all true. SS: What do you mean that this is all true. Is this something that has happened to others before? Norman: That's what I'm telling you, that this is all real and not in your imagination. The abductions have been going on for years and years, even when I was a lad just knee high to my mamma and it continues to happen from time to time. I too have been to the future and back on many occasions. So that's where you got your dress from, isn't it? SS: Yes it is. Norman: Well it looks good on you as it suits you well. What other things did you bring back with you? SS: I've brought back 2 holo-disc sprites, 3 llama statues, a jet pack, hoverboard, a couple of plumbot chips, about 6 crystal plants to plant later, some tomatoes and melons. Norman: Yup, I've brought some of those things back with me on my many trips to the future.
So after Norman and I chatted for a bit more, I left to go to the local Bistro for some good food and decided to eat outside.
So after I was done eating, Donny gives me a call. SS: Hello, this is Lisa. Donny: Hello Lisa, this is Donny. Do you have time to talk? SS: I sure do. I'm just outside of the bistro getting me a late dinner.
SS: Yes, I love to read a lot when I get a chance.
So after my SS gets off of the phone with Donny, I catch her doing this. I have no clue why she did this.
So I go off to the central park in the square and spot one of those weather stones like I saw when I was away at the university.
I saw a light in the sky and followed where it was at and spotted a unicorn at the little park up from where I live.
Now it's back to explore the catacombs. I've heard that I can find a genie lamp in there but I haven't yet came across one but it doesn't hurt to keep checking back. So I saw Mary Lu Broke and Hank Ferdinand floating out and about of their graves.
Then Hope Carpenter comes running into the graveyard. I guess she wanted to visit with someone's grave.
Then Zelda Hamersnud and Tamantha Dearborn decided to come out and play for the night.
I'm activating the Sims 4 concept art program chip even though I don't have that huge screen to watch it on yet.
Now it's off to check the moods of the sprites and to clean them and to talk to them... :)
After taking my shower to get the grime off of me from exploring the catacombs again, I needed to clean the tub.
I really should upgrade the tub/shower to self-cleaning... :)
Norman calls me while I was trying to upgrade the tub to talk.
While I was finishing upgrading the tub, the time portal came to life as I had three Future visitors that came through the portal. This Drox that came through the portal and the only one that I got a picture of. I though that I had taken pictures of the other plumbot and human coming through but didn't.
And then Drox entered into a cab and drove away.
So once I got cleaned up and upgraded the tub, I went back to the festival lot and went straight to harvesting more pumpkins. So while I was there, Donny called to talk for a few minute, then I went back to picking pumpkins again... :)
My phone was pretty busy while I was at the festival. After I got back to picking pumpkins, the I got another opportunity for my street art, so I accepted since I can't get myself arrested when I a job to do from city hall. Then I tried to get back to pumpkin picking until @CravenLestat called me to talk. Then I was able to finish picking pumpkins afterwards... :)
Then I decided that I wanted to enter the pie eating contest, so Norman joined me as well as Jebidah Wilson and Aiden Jones... :)
SS thinking to herself: Oh great, I have cherry pie filling all over my face but it was fun eating the pie... :)
Norman walked away into a corner after he was done with his pie to throw-up. Then Jebidah left leaving Aiden the only one left to finish his pie.
SS cheering out loud: YES, I won the pie eating contest... WOOHOO... :neutral:
Then it was through the haunted house again... :)
SS: brrrrrrrrr, It's cold out here. I really should put on a coat.
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