Forum Discussion

88Kristine_'s avatar
7 years ago

8 witch friends badge

To get the badge, as a witch, have 8 witch friends. Do they need to be in the same city? I have more then 8 witch friends, but it wont count.

3 Replies

  • You could just cheat easily avoid the confusion.

    Have a witch sim

    Go in edit town create a quick pudding witch sim/clone them for even faster results till you have 6 witch family members

    Place that family in the house of your witch in edit town

    With testing cheats slide the relation bar to max your witch now has 6 witch friends with only 2 to go either by regular method or repeat first step with two other witch sims.

    After getting the badge just split the witches from the house

    If you do not want them in your house place 7 witch sims in a empty home in town visit the lot cheat slider to max get your badge then remove them from the game.

    If you have done it legit but it has not worked by normal means then you are not cheating just getting what you earned
  • Thanks again for your tip, I had to make more witches and place them in the same town to get the badge :)