Forum Discussion

emorrill's avatar
10 years ago

What happened in your sims 3 game today?

Hey everyone. :)
I've been playing Sunset Valley (along with the W mod) and I just made some CRAZY things happen yesterday and today with the Langerak Family. Hee hee ;)
Well, I thought I would pick on this family for the fun of it. They seemed to have some dysfunction going on. Iliana (the mom) is a workaholic, Dustin (the dad) is lazy but loves family (he was in the criminal career when I started playing them. Not a good suit for his personality so I made him quit. He now has a part-time job at the bookstore). Their daughter Kaylynn seems to take care of everything while her older brother Parker, rebels and pays more attention to wooing girls than anything else. And to add craziness to the family, Iliana's sister Zelda Mae needed a place to live so, in she went. That is the original story of this family.
Now for what I did to them. Lol! ;)
Iliana didn't like how much of a slob Dustin is and he in turn didn't like how much of a workaholic she is. And little did Iliana know that her husband and sister were...doing a lot of romantic things in secret while she was at work. ;) Well, for a while she didn't know but then she was able to catch on. In anger she turned to her secret crush from work (Thornton Wolff) and begin having romantic relations with him. Meanwhile the kids are not exactly sure what has been going on...and Dustin and Zelda Mae had a risky woo hoo one night. Zelda got pregnant days later. At this time Dustin decided he had enough with Iliana and divorced her. Iliana then moved in with Thornton. Later, minutes before Zelda went into labor, Dustin proposed to her. The kids were pretty happy about it, they never saw much of their mother anyway. (Funny, this new baby would be their half-brother AND cousin...weird. ;) )
A baby boy was born and they named him Link (sorry, I couldn't help myself ;) ). Dustin and Zelda go off on a honeymoon and leave Parker and Kaylynn to care for the baby and the home while they are gone. (Seriously?) Well, Dustin asks the girl he's had a crush on for a while to Prom (River McIrish) and they go together and end up falling so hard for each other they become boyfriend and girlfriend. The next day, with the parents still gone, Parker is DYING to see River again and goes over to her house. They get frisky and...I'm pretty sure River is pregnant. Lol!
And that's where I left my game for today. Had to get back to reality. :)
I love how I can screw up sims lives or make them do things I would NEVER DO!!! It's so much fun! ;)

So what happened in your game today? Can we keep this thread going for a while? :)

MAJOR UPDATE (July 23rd, 2024): ^I can't believe I asked that and then 10 years later here we are. ๐Ÿ˜Š Oh what a beautiful ride it has been. ๐Ÿ’—

Anyway, due to the fact that this thread is thousands of pages long with hundreds of thousands of comments, you will for sure want to click on the drop down box below, off to the right a little, and choose "Newest" to see the newest posts on this amazing thread or you will be clicking the "More" button for all of eternity! ๐Ÿคฃ And yeeeeah you don't want to be doing that. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Also, due to the migration to the new EA forum here, 95% of the pictures shared throughout the years in each post will not show if you're wondering where all the images went, they unfortunately disappeared into the internet void. (Also those who posted via Photobucket before big changes were made on that site, lost photos years ago). Anyway, just a friendly FYI. ๐Ÿ˜Š

But yeah, let's see how much longer we can keep this thread going y'all! ๐Ÿ˜ And please - cause I am still here and plan to stay here for as long as I can - do share with me...What happened in your Sims 3 game today? ๐Ÿ˜

~Emorrill ๐Ÿ’œ