Forum Discussion

TS1299's avatar
4 years ago

Anybody else hyped for the possible upcoming The Sims 3 64bit Version on Windows?

I am hyped! I cannot believe that I am more excited on the 64bit version without new content rather than Sims 4 EP10 :D :D . I can ran TS3 pretty good on my laptop but Island Paradise is just lagging even with mods. If this means that I can finally after years I can play Island Paradise with scuba diving and more I cannot wait any longer!!
  • Sorry for the False Hype. I was mistaken :(. I do wish that they would release a 64-bit for Windows.
  • NikkeiSimmer's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    When the OS for Mac was announced, it was made clear that Apple was dropping 32bit applications which meant that no Mac players could play Sims 3 and had to sit on the sidelines while we Windows players were still able to play.

    The Sims 3 64 bit Metal version for the Mac was supposed to rectify the problem so that Mac players could get back in the game.

    This was EA's original announcement back in Oct. 2019. Even in Sept 2020, there were websites urging people to not be hasty in upgrading to OS Catalina because not only will 32 bit applications be unable to be run, but Apple's own uninstaller would be unavailable since it too was a 32 bit application and unable to run on Apple's own OS that they'd just created so they had put Apple users into a box. If you are an early adopter, you were stuck with Catalina and no way to uninstall it.

    So in this case, EA was left with no choice but to make certain that a game that people had paid good money for was still able to be run.

    So...will we see an eventual 64 bit upgrade for Windows? Perhaps? Perhaps not. We Windows users did not experience the same interruption in gameplay that Mac users had (for those who inadvertently decided to become early adopters of the Catalina OS) The only way that we'll see a 64bit version of our Windows based Sims 3 game is if Microsoft decides to pull an Apple move and drop support for 32 bit applications on their OS. And considering Microsoft's propensity of "pushing the Windows updates automatically on the Windows users" and forcing people to upgrade to the next version of Windows; that time may come, sooner than you or EA thinks.

    But as of October 2020 - the question was asked on forum

    Microsoft's independent advisor (Dave, in this case) has stated that they will be continuing to support 32bit applications for quite some time and that they plan to give several years heads-up notice before dropping 32bit applications entirely. So EA still has some time on their hands. But my suggestion to EA is to not rest on their laurels and get a 64bit version out for Windows ahead of time so that when the time comes that a notice is in place that Microsoft will be dropping 32bit support for all 32bit applications that EA has already beaten them to the punch and will not be scrambling to put out a release causing an uproar and a serious inconvenience to significantly more Windows gamers who play Sims 3.

    But of course that would be the obvious move to make...

    ...and EA isn't known for doing the obvious thing.

    The blood in the water should have been noticed with the dropping of 32 bit support for Windows 10 in the last major update. "A sign of the beginning of the process". This move should be seen as the "canary in the coalmine".

    "igazor;c-17701934" wrote:
    The issues with Isla Paradiso can be fixed, they aren't resource related if the player has a strong enough system to carry the EP. It's the world that is flawed by design in several places. The world is not likely to run any better, unfixed as it comes, if it just gets more RAM to work with.

    It's not just the issues with Isla Paradiso. It is the overall propensity for Sims 3 to Error 12 crash when it runs into a lack of memory issue. The 64 bit version of that will prevent the Error 12s from ever occuring since it would get more RAM to work with.

    The issues with IP is an internal game routing issue, not an interaction with Windows and access to hardware like the Error 12 problems.

    For me, IP isn't so much a problem as the Error 12 issue. Error 12s cannot be fixed with the way the system interacts with RAM. It can only be resolved with recoding to 64bit.
  • NikkeiSimmer's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    @elleskyheart, Microsoft currently has no plans to discontinue 32 bit application support as of October 2020. And as the customer service guy said, there will be plenty of heads up if they go down that road.

    Eventually they may go that route, but that may be five, ten, twenty years down the road. Who knows? :shrug:

    At least, I'm glad that the Mac users can play their game again finally. Now let's see plenty of pics. :mrgreen:
  • @Nikkei_Simmer Thank you. That is nice to know honestly. And yeah, it is exciting honestly. I hope Mac users will play again.
  • When is the 64bit version supposed to drop? And would the update break any TS3 mods? I play on my laptop a lot more nowadays and have been considering returning to Sims 3.
  • If they don't, somebody probably will develop a Windows compatibility layer for Mac game, like Wine on Linux, that translate MacOS API calls to Windows equivalent to run Mac apps natively on Windows.