Forum Discussion

WolfLady74's avatar
13 years ago

Baptiste - Imaginary Friend Legacy--Updated 3/13

This is a legacy based on the Imaginary Friend Legacy Challenge. The rules are here:

Family Tree:

Dante and Heather decided to start fresh in a new town after they got married. Dante had inherited property from his father but it was empty because the main house had burned down in a tragic fire. They had very little money and built a tiny house with what little they had.
They didn't have enough money for furniture so they used sleeping bags to sleep in at first.
This is Heather and Dante.
Heather has the traits brave, great kisser, family-oriented, good and nurturing. Her lifetime wish is to become an International Super Spy. Her favorites are custom music, spaghetti and the color blue.
Dante has the traits brave, rebellious, great kisser, virtuoso and artistic. His lifetime wish is to become a rock star. His favorites are custom music, autumn salad and the color black.
Dante immediately checked the newspaper and was able to find a job in the music career. He knew they would need more money soon since they only had $10.
Heather also checked the newspaper. She was able to find a job in law enforcement.
Across the street from their mostly empty lot was a small park with a pond. Dante decided to try fishing to earn a little money until his job started earning more.
Heather went over to the park as well and found that someone had planted what looked like a garden. Since it was a public park she felt that she could harvest the vegetables.
She then immediately started her own little garden so that she could sell the vegetables.
They knew they were poor but they were together. They had high hopes for the future and this seemed like a nice peaceful town.