5 years ago
Imaginary Friend Glitch?
I'm not sure if this is a glitch or not but one of my Sims Imaginary Friend just suddenly decided to show up at their house. The Imaginary Friend had been put away in this Sims inventory for quite a while. It still shows the Imaginary Friend toy in his inventory but the Imaginary Friend just randomly decided to come to my Sims house looking almost like a regular Sim except he still had the light bulb thing on his head and still walked like the Imaginary Friends do. Also the option to offer to make them a real Sim is gone. He also aged transitioned to Adult after he came in the house. I have never made one of them into a real Sim before yet. My Sims Imaginary Friends name is Jelly Bean and it was kind of nice to have it put away because this one is annoying and not very nice so I would like to have it put back away. If I put the toy back out and when my Sim leaves the house will the Imaginary Friend go back to to it's original state and I can put it back into my Sims inventory and not have it out being annoying? My Sim has two children that also have Imaginary Friends. I don't particularly want three of them in my Sims house. Also, is it a glitch that my Sims Imaginary Friend came in looking like an almost real Sim or is that just something that happens after they have been put away in a Sims inventory for quite a while?