Bleu Legacy, Try to make it past gen 2
I combined the first generations stuff into one short post. I hope I can make it far into the legacy.
The first and second generation went well. Stiles was originally with Joline, but they broke it off and Stiles and Charlie wound up getting married. They had 2 sons Andrew and Bryan, once Andrew became an adult with a job he got a fluffy white dog and called her Winter. Kupo was unhappy with the competition, but he dealt with it eventually.
Stiles wanted to own a resort, so they bought the plot of land by them and started small, but it's now building up. He worked as a musician while they tried to save up for it.
Charlie wanted to master painting and photography, she started with photography then later got an easel.
Andrew became a doctor, he currently has the title of Resident.
Andrew and Bryan had no luck finding a relationship. Bryan had a relationship for a short time, but she left him for someone else. He was brokenhearted, he wanted to have a family, but it felt like no one would get involved with him or his brother. What's wrong with them, do they have a curse on them? He knew there was a witch in the town but they'd never spent any time with her.
After some time he decided he was going to have a family even if he has to be a single dad. He adopted a child, and named her Christina. Happily, he worked at home as a gardener so he could always be with her.