Forum Discussion

MizoreYukii's avatar
New Spectator
9 years ago

Calling All Models! - Modeling Community Has Moved

The modeling community has moved and no longer posts here! Majority of Sims 3 is at the new modeling forum Sims 4 Sims and Modeling section, where both Sims 3 and Sims 4 is welcome (and Sims 2 for some hosts).

Hey guys! So a few of you are already aware as to what this is, but let me explain for those that don't.

(If you have time, of course) Read the entire thread please, otherwise you will miss important information (such as more opinions on why this is good, etc., and for formats/themes/etc. I may have missed).

When Maggie was wrongfully banned (again >_>)(Someone asked for the story, I posted it here), Vid contacted a few others and I explaining that Maggie wasn't coming back, so she wanted to do something to show our disapproval of the ban or find a way to lift the ban (via petition). A few back and forth messages and I eventually suggested we start a new forum. But instead of using it like Unbound, where everyone went back and forth but still remained here, I instead suggested that everyone (willingly, for those that read that wrong) move to the new forum and abandon the modeling section here altogether.
The reason why is because:

  • The rules here are for children despite the game rating being teen, and because of this our art is in danger of being removed or getting us banned. We shouldn't live in constant worry and we shouldn't be limiting our art because of it.
  • This forum has done nothing but hurt us for the last few years, either individually and/or as a community (banned members, people leaving because of corruption, etc.)
  • Still pertaining to the above, several of those that have been banned, or left, have been alerted and like the idea of the new forums, so we have a chance of bringing our friends back if we do make this move. (Maggie can now also join us again instead of losing her permanently!)
  • Going back and forth like we did with Unbound only separated us and caused a few problems, and then the eventual downfall of Unbound (with several other factors). It is better to move altogether and not look back.
  • We can now make our own sections and do other things with our friends without worrying about our threads being moved, like the party we recently had.

    There's probably a few other reasons to be listed, but at the moment we already have quite a few people agreeing that this is a better alternative to what we are currently experiencing. We hope that by making the thread finally we can get everyone's opinions and their agreement to move to a new forum. Edit: (I forgot to fully explain this part, my bad. We're trying to get all Sims 3 models to agree, because we don't want to leave anyone behind. I will make sure registration is as easy as possible, and that any transition is done as smoothly as possible.)

    For those wondering why, I was suggested to lead this project due to my organization skills (I have been dubbed "Organization Queen" by Vid, Lol! xD) and because it was my idea to begin with, so it made more sense this way. However, the forum is to be molded by the community (hence this thread) so that it is an enjoyable experience for all, and we can tailor the forum to what we want. :3 I am recording all suggestions and considering them when putting together the forum, and everything is up for vote and debate, so feel free to discuss them. No idea is stupid either, so please speak freely.

    What we are doing right now is brainstorming themes, format, names, rules, and websites that will host our forum. I will be putting all suggestions in their respective spots, and you guys need to help us narrow down the options. Feel free to post your opinions on everything submitted so far, but please be respectful.

    Some inactive members, like Rinxes, need to be contacted about what we are doing. Please post in the thread if you contacted someone so we can avoid multiple emails being sent to them, and so we can keep track of who was contacted. I will be tagging them below as well so incase they lurk recently they will see it. Edit: Forgot to say that the PMing system on here probably won't do much good! I meant email or social media, if it's possible. Thank you to those who contact them!
    Inactive Sims 3: @BobSkellington @Jaunty @Rinxes @Sofia4u @Eli @cheerio517 @LadyEmillye @KPGeiger @MiataPlay (not sure if she still wants to participate or not) @firecrackergrrl (not sure if she still wants to participate or not)

    Inactive Sims 4: @Minstrel @ayeden @CazzTregurtha @Karababy52 @PurpleKenzie19 @Gemmabubbles @PoppieGirl @Ashley Sims @Sims4Kat (might not be modeling anymore) @Zbern12 @JesxSims

    Edit: Beech is on board!

    Some FAQ:

    • Are all games allowed?
      Edit: Someone suggested a new format! Make sure to check it out under the format section. We need everyone to choose.
      Yes! We will be having split modeling sections for 2, 3, and 4, but we will also have a combined section, which is where comps that allow all games go. It's down in the format section with a tiny bit more info, so check it out. I'd consider the first game, but I'm pretty sure it has never had modeling opportunities.

    • If we're leaving due to the rules and such, what will the rules be like on the new forum?
      The new forum will have teen rules, not children or adult. Breast exposure in our edits will be allowed but the actual nether regions (we shouldn't be seeing details in other words) won't be allowed (not sure if spoiler system will be used for nude edits or not Edit: spoiler system will be used as a just in case). Blood and gore is another thing I want to touch on, of course. What we are currently doing here is allowed, and maaaybe slightly more, but nothing too extreme. We'll hopefully be using a spoiler system though so that anything that gets too out of hand can be hidden, and those who are sensitive can just ignore it. The current forum doesn't allow us to do this (that spoiler system is broken...ugh...), and doing it this way allows everyone to be happy. =D Yaaaay! As for weapons in edits, they are allowed. Other general rules that are common sense, like no trolling or spamming, will obviously be implemented, but the spamming part will have actual clear rules that make sense and won't be based on judgement (some of you will get this xD). Lol
      We'll go more into depth about rules and what is or isn't allowed as we work through this. ^_^ Feel free to suggest rules!

    • Is this just a modeling/photography forum or does it have other stuff?
      Depending on how our current members vote (and the final decision) determines how the forum will come out. Several have already requested for other sections to be added, like building and sims, but our main focus will always be modeling. Everything else is just a perk and something for us to do!

    • Since we are moving, does that mean I abandon the official forums altogether?
      Edit: (Ah! I see the problem! Fixed it.) Nope! Feel free to post in the other sections and interact with the other communities here. The only thing that you need to keep in mind is that if you post on the EA forums you won't be getting much traffic. D: If we do make the move (meaning everyone agreed, at least we hope) everyone will be at the new forums, which is why you'd be receiving very little traffic. Edit: (To explain further) As I said, our goal is to have everyone move so we can protect each other. We don't want to leave people behind, but staying can also scare off (or become banned) our other current models. Either situation is just awful, which is why we're trying to get everyone to agree.
      Note that this part pertains mainly to the Sims 3/community section. I have no idea what Sims 4 will do after they have been notified.

    • What about our old comp threads? Or the tutorials and guides, like your modeling guide and beginner tutorials?
      All of my threads will be posted and adapted to the new forum, and the copies remaining on the officials will still be updated as well (with links explaining that we moved, of course). For the active posters of those guides/tutorials/comps, it is up to them to move them (which is just a copy and paste), or I can post them for them. For those who are inactive and have been inactive, I won't be moving their comp threads. If it is a tutorial/guide though, I may move them if they are unique and not a copy. An example is the abundance of "how to cut sims out" threads. We have several covering the exact same method/steps, which is why they won't be moving if I do decide to do this. Otherwise, everything will be linked in my upcoming threads like I was originally planning. (Though moving or making copies of the guides/tutorials gives us a chance to preserve them if something happens to the modeling section after we are gone.)

    • How do we let returning/new players know where we are at? We can't generate traffic then!
      We will be posting one last thread explaining where we have gone and where to find us. It will be bumped to make sure it stays on the front page by the various members in our community who still use this forum. We will also be advertising through the social sites and other simming sites (that allow it of course) so that everyone can find us and we can receive new members.
      Edit: For those worried about letting new players see comps, don't forget that I still plan on releasing my modeling comp list!
      Also, for those worried about leaving but still want to participate, we're coming up with a solution, so please hold tight! Thank you!

    • I want to help moderate the forum/find a theme/help with html/etc. How do I do that?
      Please contact me through email, PM, or post here, and make sure to refer to the applications at the bottom of the thread if you want to work on the forum.

    Please see below for what we currently have going on. Here is a quicklink list (but please try to read everything in this thread , and reply with your opinions, otherwise this could cause problems later when making the forum) (Note that themes, formats, etc. will be updated as soon as possible, but reading the thread helps avoid repeating them while they aren't updated, which is why I asked to have you read the entire thread. :sweat_smile:).
    Name, Website, and Rule Suggestions
    Formatting Suggestions
    Theme Suggestions
    List of On Board Models