For those of us with multiple active saves, sometimes I just take pics for myself but sometimes I get a whole bunch that I don't really put anywhere to avoid dragging down my usual thread. So uh don't know if anyone else will want to use this one too but if you do that's why it's here not really a story thread just a, everything and then some oh and the kitchen sink thing.
Now I began quite a few of these in the what happened thread so I'll do a fill in if I need to but here are my extras...then I'll go to another save :D surfing. So this family came from two premades there in Monte Vista, Florence and Giacomo I think is how he spells it, they have three kids, David, Imelda, and Hayden, a couple pets and an gnome army plotting the end of the sim world...or just each other can't tell.
"Mama mama, look what I can do" Is she even looking? "Well done darling."
Gia immediately started clapping...for whatever he was frying. Zombie kicked them, that's why we can't have nice things. A nice Sunday breakfast...there is nothing interesting in this photo. A rare pic of them all in the same room they love each other cause they never have to be around at the same time. Hayden looks so smug I was looking to see if one of the kids would get one, I actually like them, and it disappeared then I realized he immediately started playing with it he looks so smug, taunting your watcher is not smart for the farm kid.
That face also says "bite me...I need a new diaper." Florence needs two more kids and even though Hayden was just born...babies don't exist long, Gia wants one too fine I guess.
Where I don't know maybe a save I just started or something we'll see consider this channel 1 and the next is....57. First off they got some new neighbors but we'll deal with them later......Fester stop being a creep. Last time is quite buried but Anthony found that his marriage dedicated genie, Jeannie, had gotten a fairly public job as an acrobat, she's a little miffed she doesn't know why he's so upset.
"Master in that thick makeup no one knows me."
He sighed.
"Jeannie that's the problem.."
"I mean if I can hide in plain sight I ought to be able to go out and run errands or..what was that?"
"Jeannie this town is a spotlight in itself I still don't understand how we ended up here but it's home now you can't just poof into existence for a few shifts and then disappear it'll be suspicious imagine work they would have a field day thinking you're an alien that needs to be....well you know how we study strange things."
She giggled in her sweet...though somewhat air-headed way. "Oh master you were worried about me, that proves you love me should we get married now?"
"No you're right we need some more friends first to come witness, well I'll look into that if you just let me go out on town."
He sighed thinking of their old friend who would have been a great voice of reason, she looked down trying to keep a smile.
"I'm sorry...I know you miss him, if it were up to me I would have brought Roger along, and who knows maybe he'll be on his way with...with a wife of his own!" she tried cheerfully he chuckled at the thought. "Maybe....look I know you're bored but you have to be careful and I suppose people have to be used to you, curiosity might be fine or it may just be another problem that will leave you trapped not just here but in your old 'home'. Be mindful and for heaven's sake tell me when you're coming and going so I can come or check on you." he said firmly...having a hard time remembering who was Master here.
"I will!"
"And you need some different clothes just fit in a little bit, you understand?"
"Yes! Blend in to stand out, I have just the thing." he nodded. Of course, Anthony can't help himself, how does she cover up more skin, if not much, and still be so....her?
"How's this master?" she asked happily.
He shook his head and nodded.
"That's fine, just fine." He checked that she remembered some basic rules and let her go, against his better judgment, though he didn't want to just trap her and have a little trophy running around so he did love her but she didn't need to know that. After all...maybe she only cared because he rescued her and gave her a home, he didn't want her like that. Another thing she didn't need to know. She did a little bar hopping mostly people watching she still wasn't sure about juice but it was fun to people watch, getting to sing her heart out...though horrible was fun too. She thought the booing sims were funny as well. Though she wore out fairly easily. When she got home, through taxi as he hoped she immediately came to tell him everything she giggled finding him asleep and gave him a kiss goodnight on the forehead before thinking she could talk to him tomorrow. Mostly, to get some more time out and about he didn't tell her to quit her job after all.
Next em.........14? I feel old remembering my set that had some shows I didn't like to watch or the working channels were all I'm not quite up there it was a hand me down and the service was garbage so you know.....yep. This is Blake and if you have Hidden Springs you have her....she's a very lovely...horrible person, on that note she's the human without cc in my signature. She likes to play and be silly, as a married woman with a teenager and a child waiting on her and that's fine. Her problem is if she smells a suitable pulse at the right age you're a target, not that the maid gets much but she can sing to her and be her usual self. She's in her second semester of uni and in her first it all went downhill when she met a vampire she couldn't resist. She was invited to a party and she had to make out with the host...that's her thing and people don't feel the need to deny her. She's made out and been "dumped" by so many people I didn't know Jeff here was one of yeah, also the somewhat brunette redhead.
"I can't believe I was falling for you!"
"...Me either champ, hey you're cute when you're angry."
"Get away from me." he snarled. Don't ask me why they were having a pool party with no pool in Winter.
"I can't help you guys are flings," she repeated, I think Jeff was still there or he came back in whatever. The party was late so before the next day.. She snorted in a very unladylike way.
"I knew you still liked me." Blake teased.
"Whatever just get out of the way I have a class."
"See you later babe." she cooed. She asked Jeff for a date after class and he was all too eager before he could start whining though.. Blake always gets her way.
"Now buy me a burger." she said.
"...........kay." yes they had dinner after.
Hmm I need another channel and no I will not stop being silly. :p I had a sim moving in with a guy she cheated with as well as the guy she cheated on then came back to find a random baby sitter, but he's awfully cute and since David was striking out with the few girls he knew well...why not. Yeah David grew up on another thread but see here he's adorable himself. He did not approve because he's neurotic, Davie knows how to pick them I guess he backed up and gave him some flowers and then.. he didn't mind so instead of Random, he's actually Kelly funny enough but he's such a pretty boy I left it alone, David wasted no time asking him to be his date, I'm thinking I'll age them both up as I like to have the parents around for a while enjoying grandchildren and such without messing with their ages. I don't know why the career outfit doesn't hold onto the hair but Gia is still good looking himself, though David looks like his mother, Imelda here strongly favors her father and I can't wait to see how she looks without the baby face I may just age her up as well and leave them with the little ones they have. I guess Hayden was not born when I brought them here but he's fairly different while also looking like his father. Something about this..
"Baby I love you...but from the smell of it that's for the kids I'll just have this fried garbage instead." hehe they do love that deep fryer.
"Mmhmm you'll be cleaning up too."
they didn't do much for Halloween but it's not really for them. David and Kelly had a great time and he was crowned prom king, Kelly also asked him to be his boyfriend. Florence went into labor just as I got a note that curfew was up so I left them to deal with that. He narrowly missed getting arrested as he got his bike the cops went the other way so yeah it was a pretty great night. Then of course as I thinking this may be the last baby they had twins, Coco and Maria have joined the family for no reason whatsoever I couldn't think of what to name them after Imelda hah. I don't think there is even a Maria in Coco but whatever we're there we are stuck now. Luisa was a cute pregnant lady, she's a premade there lives with the caliente sisters and has one of the men not involved with them so of course they had to get married and separate themselves from that mess. There is their son...existing I think they'll be one of my very very very limited couples that has an only child see I cheated them money, to get the bakery their house well...I like the bathrooms. Belated wedding present Lulu approves.
Now back to channel 14 cause why not.
If you don't remember I mean yeah it's still on this page but that was my college girl getting up to no good, even though she's supposed to be happily married. Now I don't recall giving her the irresistible trait but sims act as if she has it, also yes there were hearts and the one thinking about the book is a liar she was thinking about her too.
lol Another makeover for her cause I enjoy dressing her up also I'm trying to remind myself to use other things...mmhmm, the point was that Bert sent it along with the necklace. Unsure of what the uni had in the way of designer shops. he doesn't know what she's doing he takes care of his wife, poor poor unfortunate pixels.
"So you got my little present?" he asked hopefully.
"Of course! It fits perfectly too."
"Good good....everyone wants to talk to you so got a minute?" she can tell he had more to say for a former crime boss he's grown rather sensitive with only his family to care for. It's endearing she's not a cheat cause she's tired of him, more like she wants it all, shame her, make her wear an A!..........................though she is awfully cute.
"Yeah I don't have class right now put em on!" After a long chat and some time to think, she's also attracted to that sim there, Blake stop it, she knows she has a problem and I had her "break up" with a few that mattered those that were just a "dare" she'll forget about on her time. First was Jared the one who started it all, he didn't take it well she had been ignoring him and he thought they had something special, he's a vampire he knows uni days are busy and important for some sims so that he didn't take personally, this was a punch in the face. Being called out just to end it. Next was Jeff, good old Jeff, this invitation was a trap after the mess up above he always invited her but usually it was to accuse her of cheating, though I learned I could reset her out of it so I was protecting her also I wouldn't accept anymore invites. This time I did, reset her on arrival and let her break up, unlike Jared he was upset, but he couldn't bring himself to hate her in fact they remained good friends dude has it bad. Though he can hide it well.
"I'mma need you to get out of my face don't even go inside." he warned her, she was moody but did as asked, she just likes to be in charge.
"Whatever....I didn't want to party in the cold with no pool anyways." More attraction....hmm I wonder if it's cause she's the cook and these are hungry uni students :p this innocent little duck had avoided this quite a while. Now in class the guy up front in the brown, that's a guy that is very interested he gets moody when she ignores him fairly needy but he hangs on and he isn't even one of her guys he's one of her rare friends so she tries to keep him happy still he sends love notes...and we got one from her professor there too....clearly she's not her type. After this she broke up with the only girl she had hang on, Cade.
Barely an hour later or something Cade was back, she is literally enjoying messing with her mind, Cade feels bad cause she hates how she feels about Blake, not cause she's another girl but because she's supposed to be smart and she knows better... Part of her does.
"You were mad at me earlier." Blake teased.
"Hush and hold me like you have some sense woman..." she "snapped"
Blake chuckled.
"Yes ma'am." I was reading something on my phone and looked up and saw her leaving and their bar had dropped from whatever happened just like that but she was fine and locked Cade out of her room. Cade started picking fights more often and insulting her every chance she got, Blake wasn't too bothered she was punishing her for being a pain....yeah Cade is the pain. She's just a lonely uni student being tugged along by someone who should know better. I rest my case, oh but I love this awful woman.
Cade shoved away from her and ranted for a bit.
"I just...ugh are you even listening?"
"Not really babe, we're not together so I'm not obligated."
"I hate you!"
"Pfft, you'll be back so I don't care."
"you're such a....!" she grunted something as she stormed off. Jeff to the rescue he invited her to a party and she was exhausted but wanted to get away from Cade and have a dance with him, don't fall for her again now. The next morning more accusations, Blake wasn't in the mood.
"Dude I don't know what you want from me." though Blake can be as "sweet" as she can be cruel, after a few days of this back and forth Cade thought perhaps she was getting tired of it and of course, of course she felt guilty.
Blake rolled her eyes wondering if she was that emotional at her age...let's be clear I'd see Blake as middle 30 (which no one says)and Cade like after 20-something (which everyone should say.) Let's not be creepy the uni students are adults and can be held responsible for their struggles too. Cade playing around but she kept her gaze on Blake she seemed to dislike seeing her hang out with others though Blake finished eating before she was joined what can you do. Yes dear, that's one option
"Wheeeeee" I missed a pic but.....Cade followed her out there and was just staring and she was not glitched she was just waiting until I made Blake go back inside.
She came and started flirting with her and after a bit of back and forth, and some cheating on my part so they wouldn't fight me, I let Blake unlock her door and Cade came running to her bed. Fitting she's thinking about leftovers cuddled up with this broad...also you there no baby for you ever. Hugging goodbye after another A year and a place on the Dean's list, Blake has a student, don't get crazy. Knowing no different her family was happy to have her back, she also brought back two gnomes the graduation ones, her son just asked his former imaginary friend to prom after interrupting her game of tag with his little brother. Bert was sleeping he was a little miffed she didn't call very often but she shared her report card with him and he knew she was doing well and far as he knew, had nothing to worry about. "I can't believe you cut your hair like this."
"What, don't like it?" she teased.
"No I love it, really completes the look, what do you say we all go out to celebrate your return?"
She shook her head.
"I'm not staying I need to get my final credits." he resisted the urge to pout.
"But you just got here..."
"I've been here a few hours, but I was told, a certain dad doesn't take good care of himself and needed some rest." she said firmly giving him a look as he sighed.
He didn't comment she knew he didn't like sleeping alone though unlike her he only had eyes for her leaving him with plenty of sleepless nights.
"Next time wake me."
"Next time I'll be staying."
"I love you..."
"I love you too.." in her head it had a very different sound thinking of Cade.
She was fond of the girl, too much, even if she did enjoy making fun of her. He watched her go, with Reggie and Mia there already missing her. She chose a different dorm this time to distance herself from Cade no matter how much she wanted to see her they were supposed to be flings but Cade hung a little too firmly. First Lev married his former imaginary friend Cinnamon, I think she was carrying Xavier then, Blake there, they moved out and eventually Blake had twins Quincy and Quinton, her granddaughter Michell was born and she had another set of twins Serenity and Evangeline.
Oh also she graduated of course. After the hiccup the game was fine, it might possibly have been cause I was doing makeovers and nrass decided to get to squashing those spawned cars and non aging aging sims. I got them new outfits cause why not. <3 Levian found out he was expecting...I have mods that is all. I went back to the main house to age up the girls, Blake so far is being good though she misses her days of messing around behind her husband's back in uni. Bert there was just working on his dad bod. I remember switching their rooms but as Serenity here aged up in pink I just gave her this one and they both got the toy of toys.
Yes I like them still. Bert stop powdering your face we have company. Blake wanted to show off her new build, she has no business being so successful and pretty and awful at the same time, it was about this time I noticed the love letter Bert got...the nerve. They are proud parents...and Blake is pregnant with baby 7...I love this family lol
@DivaDoodle glad you're looking forward to it, I was going through my saves and forgot how many I had, they like their house full of kids I do too cause I can switch out of it at anytime and not be responsible for them lol. 309? Ha I picked up an older save before I started adding more to the game and such. So Calliope is a certain doctor's child, he's a good looking blond that lives alone her mother despises her as she never wanted a girl, she has enjoyed her time in Appaloosa plains hanging around different love interests. She knew it would happen but she wanted boys, so for Halloween this is all she gets. She takes care of her horse more than her, she did get a son from the same doctor but she was already upset to find out he was a secretly a werewolf she abandoned him but her son she'll hold onto. So Johnny here isn't one of her favorites, he isn't the wealthiest and he'll be an elder soon but she wanted him to move in because she needed a babysitter. He took news of her cheating really poorly in her eyes but she worked him up again and again and he gets touchy but he's afraid of being alone again...something he was for his entire life until she gave him attention. He hates and adores this woman. Lio has bad habits but behind mommy's back. We can see what child she favors if she ever showed her daughter any affection. Calliope is a good kid, that blond there in the photo is her father she snagged the picture so her mother wouldn't throw it out. "Can you be a dear and take care of Lio for me?"
"Fine..." He enjoys it and not being alone even more though he doesn't know he's expecting, but the mood is there.
@DivaDoodle Gosh I thought I responded forever ago sorry about that, she really got the short end of the stick with her mama, mmhmm she's very 'and I took that personally' about him not being human. I feel like Johnny knows how it is but is getting older and just wants the company which makes me feel bad for him, I'm glad you were entertained.
I believe that was my mod...I let everyone have kids pretty much.
Okay well I forgot I had these pics for channel 14. What's this? Blake being a good mother? nah she loves her kids it's her poor husband she doesn't appreciate. Their many children adore him though, looking at that pic of her in college my how things change.. They'd have more kids if they could no self control Bert wants an army and Blake wants him to remain unaware of how she really is. <3 Blake those toys aren't for you don't you know?
'Yeah I guess watcher.' Just kidding, she doesn't care what I think. Now to look in on their eldest, I think that was the baby sitter, didn't know that was a magic mirror there are actually a lot of things I don't know about this game it's still strange to have a computer that can handle it at all ha. Had to split up their daughter's room naturally. Being so pregnant Lev just loves all things tiny and hates nap time cause he wants his baby with him all the time, Cinnamon does not approve. :D They are eagerly waiting for their family to expand though. I don't know what the point of this pic was.. Baby number 2 looks like Bert.
Been a while since I played hmm what channel even is this....ah yes 8. also yes I know my thread is old but it's a story thread and the last time I used it was in April this year not 2020 We begin the day with this moody mail lady throwing our bills into the snow, things are getting tight though Florence is more the stay-at-home type she may need to get a job or they might lose the farm.
So they definitely don't want to lose any bills in the snow, I get it you want Giacomo...not for sell missy. Speaking of it was early but not too early, people running around to go to the bathroom and such the kids that could were sent off to school and he had to go to work, the first thing was maintaining things though forgot the fire engine. Next time is fine, you're only racing for peep's lives and all dude. This was the first time ever even before my break that I saw this emergency, angry gnomes he caught one....the problem... They refused to let him in I think this is a celeb house but that's silly, fine live with the demons good day to you. >:) He was eager to get home to his family and took the fire engine too, Flo is talking to David about what a good big brother he is, Imelda and Hayden are both doing well and Maria and Coco keep getting their sleep cheated so I don't have to worry about them..... :p Not sure of all the names I gave the gnomes anymore but that one is doing a great job at showing off.
"See this trick here whippersnappers? It's called...don't go in the deep in." ha. Sure is nice to just blot out the world after chasing all their kids around...can't wait till spring until then mama needs a job unless of course, they end up with one last baby. :s sims just don't listen.
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