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HotBlackSand's avatar
5 years ago

Curtis and Carol ... Update: Big Picture


Curtis Stevens Update
When we left off with Curtis, he and Susan had just failed the 112 Day Challenge.
More importantly ... Curtis had just cut a deal with the District Attorney.

He plead No Contest to a plethora of minor offenses, and the DA agreed to wave probation upon release.
Curtis has spent the last 4 months, 1 week and 2 days (into a 6 month sentence) ...
In the Bridgeport County Department of Corrections Minimum Security Detention Facility.

Late morning, as the detainees headed about daily work assignments,
Warden Paul Smithers informed Curtis to stay behind in the gen-pop dorm.
The message was simple ... "I have bad news Mr. Stevens. No assignment for you today; stay there and I'll be by shortly"


The Bad News
Not long after the other detainees had headed off, Warden Smithers arrived to bring Curtis the news.
Curtis was anxious, but tried to make light of things ...
He had a reputation as a model inmate, and always tried to make things easier on the people around him.

"Don't tell me Warden Smithers ...
You and Georgia finally went out on a date, you got drunk, and wrecked the facility truck.
You know I can fix it, but I am walking the straight and narrow now, so you're worried about your pension?"

Paul Smithers:
"No Sir ... That's not it Mr. Stevens.
I truly hate to tell ya ... But I'm going to have to kick you out.
That's right ... I don't have a spot for you anymore."

"WHAT ... What did I do?
What's this mean; am I going to the big house, so close to the finish line?"

Paul Smithers:
"Not a chance you low-life reprobate.
Even worse ... You're Getting Out!"

"That's not funny, Warden Smithers ...
I mean the 'low-life reprobate' part I can handle, but let's not joke about getting out.
I want to do my time and get it over with."

Paul Smithers:
"Here's the deal Curtis, no joke ...
There were some protests downtown last night, nothing serious, but some looting, property damage and some arrests.
Frankly, the jail is overflowing, and they suspect a little more disturbance over the next few days.
Mark and Jack earned release last week, but we needed another bed for some short-timer.

I talked to my bosses, and all I could say, is that I have never encountered an inmate ...
Like you Curtis ... That was a 'changed man' before you ever went to jail.
So no joke, I brought you your clothes to change into, Georgia will do your paperwork ...
I'll buzz you up front when you are ready, and you're out of here."

Caught off-guard and a bit unprepared, Curtis did as instructed and changed clothes.
As he walked towards the common area, a thousand things went through his mind.
He was in a bit of shock and regretted not thinking about better plans for his eventual release.

The bay doors whooshed open, and Warden Smithers was waiting in Out-Processing when Curtis arrived.
Georgia pecked away at her terminal, and didn't glance up.

Paul Smithers:
"Georgia's got your paperwork wrapped up and I think we are about ready to shove you out the door.
Just a few things before you head out."

Curtis Interrupts:
"Speaking of Georgia, you got her chained to the desk or what?
I'm heading out and now she is ignoring me."

Paul Smithers:
"Well, Mr. Stevens ... We have had a good deal of inmates come through here.
I can't say that many have been as pleasant to have around as you have been.
I know it's terrible to say, since you're getting out, but Georgia's taking it kind of hard."

Paul Smithers *chuckles*:
"But hey ... Back to you and more bad news.
Although Susan stopped coming by when she knew you weren't going to see her ... Her lawyers didn't quit trying to help you out.
Seems as though, everything else aside, the lawyers worked their magic.
They squeezed this 15k check out of BlackSand Industries LLC for your participation in their program."

Paul Smithers Continues:
"Furthermore ... That broken down bike you were working on during the Challenge ...
Well, BlackSand Industries filled it up with gas, had a truck drop it in the parking lot, and here are the keys to it.
Everything else you need will be sent in a package to you, when you get a permanent address.

They can cash the check in the clerk's office at the Courthouse ...
All I have left to say is Get the Heck out of Here, and Don't Come Back to Stay!"

C-Ya Curtis ... It's been a pleasure."

The Bike
The motorcycle Curtis had been working on was barely running when his Challenge days ended.
When he saw the bike again … Thoughts of Susan came rushing back.
He was uncomfortable for the second time that day as he thought about how he had left things with her.
He had done his best to cut ties with Susan … Against her protests otherwise.
He honestly thought she deserved better … But was suddenly thankful that through her lawyers,
He wasn’t on the street broke.

Pushing his thoughts of Susan aside, once again, Curtis headed to the Clerk’s Office in the Courthouse.
Shortly after that he went to a bank for Travelers Checks.
Bridgeport bustled with business but brought back memories of darker times in his life.
There were shadows everywhere.

Open Door … Open Road
After completing business in town …
He was increasingly haunted by the past he had just tried so hard to put behind him.
The answer was obvious … He put Bridgeport, and everything associated with it in his rearview mirror.

To Be Continued …
