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HotBlackSand's avatar
12 months ago

Diamond in the Rough


Episode 1: Diamond in the Rough.

(Part 1)
Allison had grown weary of the routine world and everything tied all up nicely in a bow.
It was time for a new start, and a new vacation home in France was not the answer.
There were no more mountains to climb in Hidden Spring ... She loved the place, but her friends were getting older.

On the other hand, Allison had no desire to grow old and die, and she had been around for a long time.
Being a Witch was bad enough, but that kind of paled in comparison to everything she had learned and could do by now.
Many relationships behind her ... Many opportunities come and gone ... She had never settled down.

Allison had finally decided she would go back to her roots ... Like it had been with her first husband many decades ago.
She would move out to nowhere and conquer the wilderness seeing if she could build something.
She bought some land in an unincorporated area and built the house that would become the foundation her efforts.

Still in the process of unpacking boxes and deciding on where to hang the artwork, Allsion had been busy.
On the third night, or really around 3 in the morning, she got a visit from some of her neighbors, if they could be called that.
It was a thief, obviously well known throughout the district, and the district's constable, also aptly known in the region.
Allsion had a few words with the constable, but stopped shy of telling him she had been a thief ...
Much like the one in her house at the time, but many decades ago.

There had been a lot of water under that bridge, and the man she would later marry had everything to do with that.

Allison had joked about which one of the two she would call over for dinner but had already made up her mind.
She let a few days pass ... Then made the call.

"Hey there, is this Crystal ... Great-great, and glad you answered.
This is Allsion Wildwind and you were busted robbing my house a few nights ago.
Uh Yeah ... I got your contact info off Barney Fife's report ... *a little snicker added*."

"Look ... I know this is going to sound odd, but not only am I not going to press charges,
I was wondering if you could stop by sometime in the next couple of days.
Really ... I think we need to have a chat and talk about a few things."

Allison then just listened to a plethora of apologies and thanks from the awkward young lady on the other end.
She didn't want to be dismissive, but the responses were all expected ... Nothing new under the sun.
Allison simply agreed with her most of the time and didn't need to try to be understanding.
Allison actually understood.

She just let Crystal vent and tell her story, while Allison remained non-confrontational and compassionate.
When Crystal finally wound down a bit ... Allison butted back in with her original offer.

"No really Crystal ... That's all understandable ... I know times are tough and you had it rough growing up.
But ... You need to come see me ... We can talk a little more about things.
Just drop by and let's have a chat ... You don't have to stay for dinner if it doesn't go well.
I think you know where the house is ... *chuckling* ... You think you can make it by sometime?"

Crystal agreed ... Allison hoped she was sincere in her agreement ... And Allsion starting making plans.
She was figuring out how to confront Crystal the best way and break the cycle.
It made her remember Peter ... His kindness and selflessness ... His ability to apply expectations without being demanding.
How was Allsion going to help Crystal come to her own understanding?

  • .

    Episode 1: Diamond in the Rough

    (Part 2)

    To Allison's surprise, Crystal had been sincere about coming by ... She just didn't know it was going to be that afternoon.
    The greetings were awkward but there was no turning back ...
    Allison began to understand that Crystal was going to be different.
    Without much pause, Allison decided to get the ball rolling.

    "Okay Crystal ... You're probably wondering what this is all about.
    I'm going to be candid with you and speak my mind ... You're welcome to do the same at all times.
    What I asked you over for was a chat and a nice little talk about you and the opportunities I can provide."

    For starters, I've asked around and you aren't really new to the breaking and entering business.
    You've told me your story about your childhood and the ongoing whirlwind of disappointments you have had since.
    From a retired thief, myself, to another thief ... You kind of suck at the thieving business."

    Crystal didn't say much in response, and Allison just let the comment sink in.
    As the tension grew a little, Allison took on a brighter tone and asked Crystal to follow her downstairs.
    Crystal was hesitant at first but brave just the same ... And as much as she didn't like it ...
    Allison's words had been hurtful but true.

    It was a quick trip around the corner, down a set a stairs, and they were in the basement.
    Crystal was impressed with what she truly had not imagined about the house from the outside.
    She had known there was probably something worth stealing in the house but had not expected what she saw now.

    As Crystal gazed around the room, Allison found a point to start.

    "I'm guessing you have a fence and probably some knowledge about artwork and antiquities at least in layman's terms.
    You probably noticed that vase on the coffee table over there ... Chinese, Third Dynasty ...
    And worth a good bit on the Black Market if you could get it in the right hands.

    But ... What you may not know is that the bottle of nectar sitting next to it is worth four times as much.
    If you are anything like I was ... You'd probably swipe the vase, fence it for few pence on the simoleons ...
    *started giggling* ... And drink the nectar without knowing any better."

    Crystal got a bit defensive and butted in.

    "I see you're having fun with this ... Even though you keep comparing yourself to me ...
    But what are we doing here ... Is this just punishment for breaking into your place?
    Seriously ... If I was going to be harassed, go ahead and press charges ...
    The clowns at the District lockup are funnier.

    What are you getting at ... Are you making fun of me or planning on making me a better thief?
    You need a wheelman for your next job ... Someone to hang everything on when things go south?
    Are you trying to give financial advice ... Or does this have to do with the plans you were alluding to?
    You want to be the next crime boss in the District ... Not suggesting you couldn't be."

    Allison understood Crystal's defensiveness and calmy shot back at her chuckling ... :D

    "No Crystal ... What I am getting at is that crime doesn't pay at all ...
    At least not unless you're a king or politician and you're robbing from the People as a whole *laughing*.

    I didn't steal any of this stuff ... Nor did I do anyone any harm or injustice getting it.
    I haven't done anything to threaten you or try to con you into anything.
    That may be how the people in your life and your world operate but that's not my style."

    Allison continued without joking around as much.

    "What I am trying to do ... And I may not be that great at it ... Is open your eyes.
    I want to offer you an opportunity to leave that all behind and take your life down a different path.
    I can tell you some things I think may happen, but nothing about your life is written in stone ...
    Until you pick up the hammer and chisel and write it yourself."

    Then, as effortlessly as Allison had turned on the heat, she flipped the switch and continued.

    "I am not trying to berate you or cast disparaging ideas in your direction.
    I am trying to open the doors you have always found shut ... And cast some light into the darkness.
    There is a way out ... A way to a more productive and fulfilling existence.
    I am far from perfect ... But I have learned how to stop struggling.

    What I am offering you is an opportunity ...
    A chance to make a choice that will put you, and me, on a different path.
    Just keep an open mind and come walk with me ... Let's talk a little more."

    Leaving the basement behind as well as a few of the hostilities ... The two walked out into the fresh air.
    The day was nice, although a bit warm ... They made their way out to the far side of the pond.

    There in the shade of the ancient oaks and cherry trees ... They sat down to relax.
    They invested in a good amount of small talk just getting to know each other.
    For the most part, Allison just let Crystal breathe in the fresh air until afternoon came closer to a close.

    Grabbing a few fishing rods, Allison suggested the try to catch dinner.
    She made the point to mention that the world was 'built" to provide for people who were looking.

    Crystal didn't know how to fish but gave it an honest effort ... Allison managed to catch dinner.
    Allison didn't make a big deal of it ... And Crystal didn't say anything at the moment ...
    But to herself, Crystal was surprised what Allison was saying not only made sense ...
    But was true in the follow-through.

    As the evening came, Crystal played video games while Allsion fixed the dinner she had promised.
    If there was one thing the two had in common ... They both liked sushi.
    They chatted a little more over dinner before cleaning up afterwards.
    Things were not perfect, but they were getting to know each other and with less apprehensions.

    Finally, it was time for Allison to make the offer whole.
    She let Crystal know that she could have a way out ... It wouldn't be easy all the time ...
    But rewarding just the same.

    Allsion took Crystal into one of the ground floor bedrooms to show her what was available.

    "What I need is help pursuing my vision for the District and around this place.
    What you need is access to better surroundings to explore the world and its opportunities.
    What I am offering you, is this room and a chance to write your story.

    Stop letting the world and the people in it tell you who you are and where you belong.
    Free your mind and your will follow ... *laughing*."

    For the first time Crystal was starting to really think Allison may be serious about all the nonsense.
    She was breaking into the woman's house a few nights before and was now on the guest list.
    Either Allison was really gullible or extremely secure in her own ideology as well as capabilities.

    Crystal was beginning to lean more towards the latter ... But was still hesitant.

    "This all sounds nice ... And I am hesitant to call you a fool believing in me ...
    But it's a lot to take in on such short notice ... And I am going to have to think about it.

    I really appreciate the offer ... But don't know exactly where it is coming from.
    You are offering me more than anyone ever has, and I can't avoid thinking there is a catch."

    All jokes aside, Allison responded in a very matter of fact way.

    "I certainly see where this is odd by any measure, and understand your position.
    All I can do is let you know that in return you don't owe me anything.
    I am paying a debt long overdue.

    It's not entirely about you ... It's about what I owe.
    And it's about what I owe someone you'll never know and who is long gone.

    In any case, take your time.
    If you do agree, come ready to work ... Come ready to embrace change.
    Until you decide ... I won't make the offer to anyone else ... And this room has your name on it.

    If you decide not to ... No harm, no foul ...
    And good luck in your endeavors."

    After what truly had been an odd day for Crystal, the two made it out by the road.
    Allison took a moment to add one last thought in passing before they parted.

    "Again ... Neither of us knows how this will turn out.
    Nothing has to be the same as today.
    When you wonder what can go wrong ... Take a moment to wonder about the adventures you have never had.

    Good night Crystal ... Thanks for stopping by and hearing me out.
    I appreciate your consideration."

  • .

    Episode 1: Diamond in the Rough

    (Part 4)

    A few days had passed since they had spoken, and Crystal had almost written Allison off.
    She new knew she didn't like the situation and had no reason to trust Allison.

    However ... The bills weren't going anywhere, and food was in short supply around her place.
    Crystal thought about pulling a small job, just enough to get back to treading water, and hopefully shut the collectors up.
    She packed a kit to take out that evening but couldn't make herself do it.

    Crystal cussed Allison ... As awful as that woman was ... Allison had made a dent.
    With her hand on the doorknob Crystal was faced with what was her choice ... And her choice alone.
    She could either stay on the course she was on ... Or find another direction.

    The following morning Crystal did what she thought she could never do ... She went to see Allison.

    Crystal stopped several times on the way to Allison's house, threatening to turn back and find another option.
    Each time, she fought with herself, struggling to find reason to replace the excuses.
    Finally she mustered the courage to ring Allison's doorbell and when Allison answered ... Crystal just let it go.

    "When we first spoke, you said you were going to be candid ... And I don't really know what that means.
    But I think I know what it might means ... And I am going to give it a try.

    I don't want to like you ... I don't want to trust you ... But I don't want to keep doing what I have been.
    No lie ... I am broke, could sell everything I own and still not be out of debt.
    My fridge is empty, I didn't have the gas to drive here ... And I cannot even make myself do what I know I can do.

    I don't understand it ... Why did you call me ... What did you do to me?
    I was fine robbing your house over a week ago ... I cannot make myself do it today."

    For the first time Allsion felt sorry for Crystal and admired her at the same time.
    She knew exactly what Crystal was going through ... And to Crystal's surprise, found the words almost immediately.
    Allsion laughed catching Crystal by surprise, before taking on a more subtle tone and speaking.

    "It took a lot of courage for you to come here and confront me ... Say what you just did.
    That's also tied to the way you feel about yourself and why all of a sudden you don't see yourself stealing.

    You see ... Above all else ... Thieves and criminals are cowards.
    Oh ... They may have an excuse for what they do ... But it's just an excuse.
    The real deal is that they foster insecurities that compel them to find an easier way.
    They take from others without consideration for what it took for their victims to earn it.

    They do it for their own gain and no other reason in almost all circumstances.
    That's not you Crystal ... You're not a coward."

    Crystal choked up, didn't know what to say and got a little misty.
    Allison broke that down pretty quick ... Told Crystal to change into a swimsuit and meet her by the pond.

    Crystal was relieved that what she thought was going to be a terrible situation looked like it might not be so bad.
    She had no idea what Allsion was thinking ... But her stomach convinced her to at least play along.
    Soon she arrived out by the pond ... And Allsion was there smiling like nothing was wrong.

    "You said you don't want to like me ... I don't care and haven't given you a real reason to.
    You said you don't want to trust me ... You were robbing my house when we met, and again, I don't care.

    What I do care about is where we go from here ... Today, not yesterday.
    Not your past transgressions ... Not your terrible childhood ... Just me, you, and this pond.

    There's an old saying that goes ... Give a man a fish and feed him for a day.
    Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.
    Grab a rod and let's learn how to catch dinner ... You won't go home hungry.
    More importantly ... You'll earn it."

    The two spent the afternoon fishing ... Allison giving pointers on how to present the bait.
    They discussed the different types of fish in the pond, and well as techniques.
    Over time Crystal started catch on ... And catching fish ... She was a quick learner and good study.

    As evening came, and with the two possessing a respectful bounty ... Dinner had waited long enough.
    Allison told Crystal she would make dinner ... And gave Crystal a book to read while she did.
    They then had dinner, resorting to chit-chat ... And Crystal almost forgot Allison was still the big mystery.
    They cleaned up after dinner, something Crystal respected ...
    Changed clothes and met in the den to wrap things up the day.

    Allison had given Crystal a book explaining Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs ...
    And asked Crystal what she thought about it.

    "I don't know Allsion ... It was bit over my head.
    I mean I can read ... But I don't know what I was supposed to think about it.

    The best I could tell, all human beings have a certain set of needs they must fill.
    How they fill those needs determines where they are and what their opportunities are."

    Allison was pleased ... It hadn't been a wasted exercise.

    "Crystal ... That's exactly it in a nutshell ... Don't cut yourself short.

    At the base of Maslow's Hierarchy are some of a human's basic needs.
    There's the need for food, shelter, and security ... They are paramount and cannot be ignored.
    If a person fails to adequately provide for those ... Then they become trapped and cannot progress.

    Failure leads to insecurities and security is one of the basic needs.
    Insecurities throw off the way you balance things, justify things in your mind and essentially choose your actions.
    We are all bound to these things ... It is part of our survival and is ultimately inescapable.

    When you came here this morning you expressed the fact that those basic needs were not fulfilled.
    You also told me that you didn't want to maintain the status quo ... You don't have to and I can help.

    No one is perfect or immune to it ... We all fail from time to time.
    None of that has anything to with an emotional response ...
    And it is the key to how we as human beings, and within our nature. actually progress.

    Everything else is a distraction, an excuse or a desire to find an easier path.
    Ignoring those simple necessities ... Or substituting altruism for real security ...
    Will shackle you to the lowest common denominator.

    The easy way ... Will rob you of your ambitions, aspirations and the desire to pursue excellence.
    We all face these obstacles ... Environment can make a difference but is not the determining factor."

    Crystal wasn't sure she understood everything Allison was talking about ... But didn't feel like she could argue with it.
    She was sure she misjudged Allison to a degree ... Although she wasn't comfortable with her yet.
    They talked a little more about it before Crystal decided to call it a night and go home.

    The whole time Allison was eager to share ... Sometimes she was sympathetic.
    In any case Crystal was certain they would speak again ... And Allison was not pressuring her in any way.


  • .

    Episode 1: Diamond in the Rough

    (Part 3)

    When Crystal returned home the previous evening after visiting Allison, she was a ball of conflicting emotions.
    Something about the whole situation struck her as not quite right, but her mind kept wandering towards Allison's last words.

    "When you wonder what could go wrong ... Take a moment to wonder about all the adventures you have never had"

    For some reason the previous night, the comment resonated with Crystal ... Kind of like buying a lottery ticket.
    Once you put your money down ... You have no indication you have any chance of winning.
    Doesn't make a difference ... You start mentally spending or allocating the money you could win ...
    Because you have done the only thing necessary and possible you can do in the situation.

    It doesn't have to make sense that you'll probably never enjoy actually winning.
    For that moment in your mind ... It's all yours ... And you'll do everything perfectly as well as the way things should be done.
    You'll be a hero to some ... A saint to others ... But more importantly you'll be able to provide for those you care about.
    Not to mention you're gonna get the justification to treat yourself to a few things as well.

    That evening, Crystal's mind kept slipping into that dream world ... The dreams of all the possibilities.

    As it turned out the following morning wasn't quite a nightmare ... But there were no dreams floating around.
    The fridge was empty, bills were stuffed in a drawer, the car was almost out of gas ...
    And Crystal didn't really have enough money to fix any of that.

    Bail money to spring herself from the lock-up after getting busted, had cleaned her out.
    She remembered what she had told Allison about going ahead and pressing charges.
    The bail money was gone whether or not Allison did press charges and nothing about that was going to pay her bills.
    She might end up homeless or in jail either way.

    Crystal was so deep in that no regular B&E was going to cover what she needed ...
    At least not unless she found someone out of town and rented a U-Haul Truck or held a fake Estate Sale.

    Walking into her house, Crystal snorted, when thinking about being homeless.

    "Homeless ... Big deal, because this place sucks big time.
    There's no happy memories of here ... And I can still smell the booze that father of mine drank.
    That Allison is out of her silly mind ... There is no fairytale ending to this story ... The story of my life."

    That thought made her stop for a moment ... And scan the room.
    Crystal roughly assessed the area of her house ... And became even more incensed.
    By her estimation ... The room Allsion had offered Crystal,
    was probably a few square feet smaller than Crystal's childhood and now current home.

    Crystal didn't know who Allsion thought she was ... Treating her like garbage and acting like she cared.

    "That nutcase thinks she can fix me ... Who the is she?"

    Now, a bit worked up, Crystal decided to do a web search and find out who this Allison was.
    Surely there was something in that woman's past that stank to high heaven ...
    Or she had been lying about being a thief or whatnot.

    The keys clicked away as Crystal eagerly sought that little nugget of hard truth.
    She searched area data bases, public records, news websites ... There was something somewhere on that woman.

    At first ... To her surprise ... She found nothing.
    Not just nothing to hold against Allison ... Literally nothing about Allison anywhere online.
    Finally, she cross-referenced Allison's last name, Wildwind. and was going to see if she could backtrack from there.
    It was with that, Crystal found something ... And not what she had expected at all.

    The story was in the Bridgeport Daily News, and about a young lady named Alexa Wildwind.
    This Alexa had gone toe to toe with an organized crime outfit in Bridgeport and apparently met her end in the process.
    A picture of Alexa accompanied the article ... And Allison was in the background.
    Whatever that had been about ... Allison had been part of it.

    Crystal searched a bit more, but again found nothing more about Allsion at all.
    There was a little more about Alexa, but mostly just fluff pieces on her contributions and community service.
    It didn't make sense ... She had met Allison ... And nothing about the Allison she met screamed benchwarmer.

    Crystal couldn't let it go ... It was intriguing, mysterious ...
    She kept digging around online as the hours slipped away.
    Still nothing about Allison ... And the longer she dug the crazier the other stories got.
    There were conspiracy websites with articles about vampires being involved and bunch of other nonsense.

    She became frustrated with the garbage she was finding and then thought to herself ...
    "Dang Crystal, don't get sucked in ... Let it go and keep your eye on the ball.
    Go to your thinking spot, get some fresh air and clear your head."

    Crystal's thinking spot was rusty and faded swing set still in the front yard.
    It's where she would escape the misery of her drunken father, drowning himself in booze nightly.
    She could barely remember her mother who had abandoned them when Crystal was still in diapers.
    It was quiet with exception of the slow, squeaky cadence of the rusty chain grinding metal on metal.

    That cadence put order back into her world ... Reliable, unchanging and ever-present.

    Something was wrong with the whole Allison situation and Crystal couldn't figure out why she felt that way.
    Allison had been a good saleswoman when they had spoken ... It was like she knew what to say.
    There was something wrong with that ... How did Allison find the words.

    That was when Crystal figured out what her problem was ... And it wasn't Allison.
    Deep down, Crystal didn't like Allsion ... Allison seemed to have it all going on.
    Allison was strong, smart and self-confident ... Crystal knew she wasn't.

    Crystal was jealous, envious ... Allison was everything she wasn't ... Allison was the enemy.
