Forum Discussion

RussianColeslaw's avatar
6 years ago

Do you use zodiacs for your sims?

I usually forget zodiacs are an option. They don't do much, unlike TS2 & TS1 where their entire peronality is based off of a zodiac type. I never really found them to be accurate either, as I'm a leo but would be considered an Aries in TS2/1.

Unless I'm making a future couple (which is pretty rare by itself, I usually just let my sims date who they want) so they can have more romantic compatibility down the line, especially if one of them is a hopeless romantic.. Otherwise, I never touch them.

However, I do use favorites on pretty much all my sims. Chances are if they're wearing a blue shirt or a red dress, that's their favorite colour. I choose their favourite music genre by what kind of traits they have as well. Favorite food and zodiacs can just be completely randomized though.