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missroxor's avatar
7 years ago

Game of Sims - A GoT inspired challenge


After a long hiatus I’ve started playing TS3 again and decided to try to finish this little project I started a few years ago. This is a challenge for people like me who easily bore of long lifespans playing the same old sim in the same old house. In fact, you may even struggle to play one sim right through to old age because in this challenge nobody’s safe *dun, dun, DUUUUNNN!*

There’s arranged marriages, slavery, theft and murder... lots of murder. A time will come when you will have to choose which of your beloved sims dies and which lives to fight another battle. Your possessions and wealth shouldn’t be taken for granted either because you could wake up penniless without a scrap of food in the fridge tomorrow. This is the...

“When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground”- Cersei Lannister

In the vast lands of Simeros there are six major houses of which you are one: The House of Humans. All six houses believe they have a rightful claim to the throne that rules all of Simeros and will fight to the death to make it happen. When you have defeated all other houses in battle, you have won the challenge. The only rule is, there are no rules...


Japes! Of course there are rules, otherwise you’re just playing regular sims!

• Your founding family may include up to two teen – elder and up to two toddler-child, so no more than 4 sims total. Traits, LTWs etc are up to you.

• Everyone in your family must be human. Where an occult sim is married into your family, they must be cured before trying for a baby.

• You can have live-in servants. They do not count as family and children made with them are bastards so unless stated, they don’t count when paying the price for losing a battle and they can’t become heir unless they are made human and there’s no other eligible heirs. Servants can be any type of sim that is not human and not one of the 5 main house occults.

• No money cheats. No faster skill mods. No mood cheats. No life-time reward point cheats. Everything else goes (you probably even –need- mods/cheats to make things like killing sims or adding them to your household quicker and easier).

• Other than the founding family, you cannot choose any of the following traits for any sims you later create in CAS (e.g. if you can’t find a townie to marry): brave, genius, charismatic, good, family oriented.

• If your active household is killed in battle, you may still carry on as long as you have a human heir living and free (not captured by or married into any of the other houses).

• Only male sims can be heirs unless there are no adult males and the available female has the brave trait.

How to Play
“A day will come when you think you are safe and happy and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you will know the debt is paid” - Tyrion Lannister

The red wedding - Everyone loves a good celebration but to truly experience life's highs, you must also experience life's lows. Enjoy life’s celebrations while you can because the day after every celebration day (love day, spooky day etc) there will be a battle. If your house is prepared for battle you may live to see another day. If not, you will pay the consequences... and there will be consequences.

Each of your enemies has their own strengths and weaknesses and as such, you will need a different set of skills and supplies to match each opponent. Naturally, the better you can match your enemy on the battlefield, the better chance you stand of victory. Then again... sometimes you just get lucky.
“A very small man can cast a very large shadow.” – Lord Varys

Scoring - Below are battle score tables which itemise the various skills and possessions you will need to acquire to build your physical and mental strength and stand the best chance of beating each opponent. You should always be working on your baseline score from the grey table then add that score to your total for whichever opponent you are facing. The aim is to get as close to 100 as possible. Each table is worth a total of 62-70 points so if you completed everything you could well exceed the amount needed to beat your opponent.

Your baseline battle score table.

Unless it specifically says “heir”, any requirements can apply to any family member that lives with you so the 5 traits can be spread across 5 different sims for example. Just remember to adjust your score if a sim leaves the household. Unless stated, point should only be counted once per item. E.g. if you have 5 brave sims, you still only get 2 points for having that trait in the household.

Fighting Battles - The actual battle is simply a roll of the dice. Once you have totalled your score for that opponent, roll this Where the dice rolls your battle score or less, you win! If it rolls more than your score, you lose. E.g. My points tally up to 67. The dice rolls a 71: I lose. You can battle your enemies in any order you like but once you’ve beaten an opponent, you no longer battle them.

Bonus game play

Winter is coming
“There There is only one god, and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: 'Not today'." - Syrio Forel
However you set up your seasons, you must have at least 10 days of winter per sim year. The moon must be set to full for the duration of the winter season. Any household sims/help turned to zombies during this time must be killed off.

“What killed him?”
“Loyalty.” – Arya Stark to Tywin Lannister
You can forge an ally by allowing a family member to marry into another house and convert to their occult and vice versa. (Having a sim forcibly taken in battle obviously doesn’t count). Beware, allies can still turn on you in battle.

Final words
“If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention” – Ramsay Bolton

6 Replies

  • Fairies

    Show me the money! If you lose a battle to the fairies you must pay them S20,000. If you can't pay this debt they will take all of your horses, boats and cars to help transport their huge armies. Deduct S20K from family funds. If you don't have that much, delete/evict anything that can be used as transport up to the value of 20K. For argument's sake, horses are worth £2k, race winners worth £5k. You may not profit from their loss

    If you win you get to keep living!! You may also grant yourself a S5k reward and kidnap a member of the losing house to marry into your house if you wish. However, you must cure them of their occult before having children. You only have to beat each house once so once you've beat one, move on to another. If you beat all 5 houses and have kept the family name going throughout, you have beat the challenge. Congratulations!
  • Genies

    Freeeeeedoooom! Genies can be kind and merciful when they want to but they detest hierarchies that enslave lower ranking sims. They'll free your household staff and pillage your grain store to feed their ever growing army. Evict all household help (any non-human sims such as imaginary friends or simbots) and delete anything edible from your fridge and personal inventories. You may not profit from their loss.

    If you win you get to keep living!! You may also grant yourself a S5k reward and kidnap a member of the losing house to marry into your house if you wish. However, you must cure them of their occult before having children. You only have to beat each house once so once you've beat one, move on to another. If you beat all 5 houses and have kept the family name going throughout, you have beat the challenge. Congratulations!
  • Vampires

    Vampires have no mercy. They'll be so offended that you tried to challenge them that they'll leave you penniless and powerless so you'll think twice about trying it again. Kill off your male head of house and reduce your family funds to zero.

    If you win you get to keep living!! You may also grant yourself a S5k reward and kidnap a member of the losing house to marry into your house if you wish. However, you must cure them of their occult before having children. You only have to beat each house once so once you've beat one, move on to another. If you beat all 5 houses and have kept the family name going throughout, you have beat the challenge. Congratulations!
  • Werewolves

    Werewolves will pillage your coffers of any metals or gems then kidnap a pretty young woman from your house for their entertainment on the trip home. remove all metals from your inventories/lot. You may not profit from their loss. Evict one teen-Y/A female (if there are any). If the only eligible female is partnered you will need to un-partner her and evict her/move her in with a werewolf.

    If you win you get to keep living!! You may also grant yourself a S5k reward and kidnap a member of the losing house to marry into your house if you wish. However, you must cure them of their occult before having children. You only have to beat each house once so once you've beat one, move on to another. If you beat all 5 houses and have kept the family name going throughout, you have beat the challenge. Congratulations!
  • Witches

    Witches are strong and fierce and some of them view battle as a sport. They won't let up until they've killed at least two males from your family. If you don't have enough males they'll capture your youngest daughter and hold her captive in their tower for the rest of her life. Kill two males or send the youngest female to live with witches. Do not interact with her again.

    If you win you get to keep living!! You may also grant yourself a S5k reward and kidnap a member of the losing house to marry into your house if you wish. However, you must cure them of their occult before having children. You only have to beat each house once so once you've beat one, move on to another. If you beat all 5 houses and have kept the family name going throughout, you have beat the challenge. Congratulations!
  • Ok, that’s everything I think. If you’ve read this far, thanks! :D Obviously I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I’ve already had a play through of an earlier version I did so this all makes perfect sense to me but I hope it’s not too confusing and wordy to someone coming at it afresh. Please feel free to ask questions or point out any confusing bits and I’ll do my best to explain.

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