7 years agoNew Hotshot
Household pets not getting many lifetime happiness wishes
My pets don't seem to be getting many lifetime happiness wishes to be fulfilled coming up. Is this normal?
My current dog literally has one current wish to fulfill at a time and has never had enough pop up to have all four want slots full at once. I have fulfilled every wish that they have had yet halfway through their adult life they only have 2,688 LHP (playing on a long-normal lifespan)
My sims are getting plenty of wishes popping up so they're not an issue
My current dog literally has one current wish to fulfill at a time and has never had enough pop up to have all four want slots full at once. I have fulfilled every wish that they have had yet halfway through their adult life they only have 2,688 LHP (playing on a long-normal lifespan)
My sims are getting plenty of wishes popping up so they're not an issue