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- The game is more fun pursuing a sim weeding out the bad apples searching for a soulmate as you try to move up in life.Plus you start less money less worker bees bringing in income so it doesn't stagnate and stale as fast.Same as starting with a giant mansion with all the best furnishings,what is left to buy or aspire too compared to starting with a tent no job and 500 bucks.
I chose single male but either way even if single female you will get more longevity out your game IMO.
Been playing that way since Sims 3 began in 2009 and it is 2020 and i'm still not bored yet :p
Starting with a ready made married family you are missing out on
First kisses,weddings,proposals,going steady,learning traits of strangers blah blah too much to list.You are denying yourself lots of great gameplay and big lifetime wish points all those are big events. - HillyPlays5 years agoSeasoned AceThanks @CravenLestat !! I actually started that way in my sims 4 save and now the couple had one son and a granddaughter
- YW Hillybeth I love starting with 500-1000 simoleans a tent,a firepit and that's it.You can fish for free and cook the fish on the firepit no stove needed plus can shower at the gym etc.
If you are interested do the dumpster dive challenge.Set a number and don't cheat yourself on how many dives you get a day.For example if you say 3 a day never stray never cheat if you have a bad day (And you will!!!) then deal with it.I have had days where I found 2 bugs worth 1 dollar and a 25 dollar rug,the next day find a cheap iron ore worth 30,another bug and a 50 dollar lamp.
On the flip side every now and then you can get lucky and find washer or a dryer,stove etc that sell for good money even can find the fortune cookie machine which is big money dumpster diving.But try it and it is really fun even more so only building lil bits and walls at a time watching your lil single wall pice then 6x6 square box etc grow over time.Plus not having a 9 to 5 job gives your sim wayyy more time to have fun even more so if you dont care about being a stinky sim and skipping showers unless your lot is near the gym.
Mine always was a long drive by cab it wasted to much time so I just played stinky until could afford a shower. :D Dont forget you can furnish your house early with stuff you find in the dumpster like tables chairs radio,TV etc - HotBlackSand5 years agoSeasoned AceIf your are bored with one Sim ( I always start a save with one Sim) ... I wouldn't do more than a couple.
If you are going to have children, have them in game.
A lot of times when you get stalled in your game, it's because your Sims keep doing the same things.
The number of Sims in the house just makes it more hectic and chaotic.
Ease into it if you want Sims with kids ... Let them come on their own, and adjust your game accordingly.
Play the game, don't let the game play you ... :D
. "BlackSand;c-17611172" wrote:
Play the game, don't let the game play you ... :D
These are wise words indeed Sensei Blacksand,every simmer should follow this advice.Also high five on the solo sim starting,same here.- HotBlackSand5 years agoSeasoned Ace
"CravenLestat;c-17611181" wrote:
These are wise words indeed Sensei Blacksand,every simmer should follow this advice.Also high five on the solo sim starting,same here.
Thanks @CravenLestat ...
Now that I think about it ... My very first save was a couple.
She got pregnant ...
He cheated on her ...
She kicked him out ...
She sold his truck ...
She bulldozed the house they built ...
Her and the new baby moved to Twinbrook and bought a trailer ... :D
. - HillyPlays5 years agoSeasoned Ace
"CravenLestat;c-17611137" wrote:
YW Hillybeth I love starting with 500-1000 simoleans a tent,a firepit and that's it.You can fish for free and cook the fish on the firepit no stove needed plus can shower at the gym etc.
If you are interested do the dumpster dive challenge.Set a number and don't cheat yourself on how many dives you get a day.For example if you say 3 a day never stray never cheat if you have a bad day (And you will!!!) then deal with it.I have had days where I found 2 bugs worth 1 dollar and a 25 dollar rug,the next day find a cheap iron ore worth 30,another bug and a 50 dollar lamp.
On the flip side every now and then you can get lucky and find washer or a dryer,stove etc that sell for good money even can find the fortune cookie machine which is big money dumpster diving.But try it and it is really fun even more so only building lil bits and walls at a time watching your lil single wall pice then 6x6 square box etc grow over time.Plus not having a 9 to 5 job gives your sim wayyy more time to have fun even more so if you dont care about being a stinky sim and skipping showers unless your lot is near the gym.
Mine always was a long drive by cab it wasted to much time so I just played stinky until could afford a shower. :D Dont forget you can furnish your house early with stuff you find in the dumpster like tables chairs radio,TV etc
Excellent idea! Brings me to a new question: Besides Sunset Valley, where should I play? I feel like I over-use that world. :persevere: - HotBlackSand5 years agoSeasoned Ace
"HillyBeth;c-17611470" wrote:
Excellent idea! Brings me to a new question: Besides Sunset Valley, where should I play? I feel like I over-use that world. :persevere:
When you are starting in a tent with nothing (how all my current Sims start) ... It doesn't really matter what town you are in.
However ... If you are doing the Dumpster Challenge, I assume some towns may have more dumpsters.
You're getting stuck in the details ... Thinking about where you should start your save.
The story you end up with is in you ... Not a place, not a number, not a condition.
You will only go where you aspire to go ... And you will only experience what you try.
Dream ... And Play the Game ... :D
, - @HillyBeth Lucky Palms Yes Yes Yes <3
Reason is the townies are great,the town is so good too add like everything,has so many empty lots and empty big sizes to add store premade venues but also
The dumpster placement. :o
My favorite play through was there and at first used an obvious dumpster but then thought
Hey why not pursue the sim with a awful story the absolute last sim you would think to marry cause umm IDK she is a single prego who killed her last hubby for money while also realizing her daughter is just as bad also prego using an elder for his money while cheating a ton on the side :/ and get this
Her property is the only sim residential lot that has a dumpster
So I was the guy at 5 am digging in her trash everyday trespassing while stalking her till she came outside only to hit on her while smelling like moldy cheese and rat poo
Lola Lancaster
Dazzling former showgirl Lola has been entertaining a steady string of gentlemen since the untimely, and according to the police "accidental", death of her husband. But one affair may have gone too far...pregnant and in love with a married man, what's a girl to do?!
There are some hints in her family bio that she might be responsible for her husband Rico Lancaster's demise somehow, even if indirectly.
PS: They based her off Lola from the Barry Manilow CopaCabana song and dead hubby Rico from the same song where Lola shot him
Her evil daughters Bio (Lina is a pretty premade if you are interested in a good baby momma for your game)
Lina Lancaster Aka Lovers Household
Eli is a lifelong ladies man and his current lady is the lovely - and much younger - Lina Lancaster. Lina claims to love Eli, but neighbors whisper that she is only in love with his fortune! Rumors say that Lina is pregnant... but is Eli the father?
Will find my story and when I do will link you,and along the way you see my pics of my house growing tiny walls at a time it turns into a awesome build and was randon too.So great was really fun I still have the save.But yeah play in Lucky Palms and there are several QT pie lady sims to chose as a mom for your sims babies. - HillyPlays5 years agoSeasoned Ace@CravenLestat i don’t own that world or I would play there. I have all eps and riverview, though I don’t like the festival lot riverview has
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