Forum Discussion

sinislife's avatar
13 years ago

how to hunt with werewolf pack? help!

Ive picked the leader of the pack for my werewolfs life wish.
he has turned 5 people, but cant firgure out how to get him to hunt with his pack.
please help cause im lost, ive tried clicking the people he turned and there is no option to form pack or pack hunt, and when i click ground there is only hunt solo option
  • If you're friend is a werewolf but not in werewolf form under friendly or special do the practice fighting action and it will transform them to you can hunt in a pack!
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  • OOk i got to invite people into pack. Now how do i hunt with pack, i still cant find that option.....
  • I don't know, but you may have to group up like Sims could do in Late Night to go clubbing, and then you'll get an option to hunt as a pack.

    Again, not sure. Haven't really been using my werewolf much.
  • make sure that EVERYONE in the group is in werewolfe form or you cannot hunt with the pack i just figured this out :D
  • This was something i had a problem with too. But basically make friends with them, and while they are on same lot as you, the option to "hunt as pack" option will come up.

    I just took my werewolf out for a pack hunt with three friends. They stayed out for ages hunting, sniffing, growling, practicing fighting etc. They actually look complete the werewolves when they are together like that.
  • Well, as a sequell to the question above: I did all the things that were advised, also bought the alfa-wolf reward, and I can now form pack and choose 'hunt in a pack', but my partner(s) don't join me! I hunt alone, the partner (with the blue ball circling above his head) just stands reading a book or something. How do I get the pack to actually BE a pack?
  • "martinm;c-17353634" wrote:
    Well, as a sequell to the question above: I did all the things that were advised, also bought the alfa-wolf reward, and I can now form pack and choose 'hunt in a pack', but my partner(s) don't join me! I hunt alone, the partner (with the blue ball circling above his head) just stands reading a book or something. How do I get the pack to actually BE a pack?

    @martinm, you might be better off asking this question over in the thread that was created for new members as this thread has been quiet for over 6 years now... :)