Forum Discussion

xitneverendss's avatar
7 years ago

Lucky Palms routing issues.

So I have a sim that lives in the Landlubber's Loft on the pier and every time she leaves to go to work or even sometimes when I have her visit community lots, she'll run out of the front door and the off to the side, clipping through the dock, and starts wading into the water like she's going to swim. The last time she ran straight through the wall, across the water, and through the neighbors house before leaving through the front door. Here are some pictures to show what I'm talking about...

Is it just a problem with this lot? The other sims who live on the pier come and go just fine.
  • Rflong7's avatar
    New Vanguard
    It's the walls and it can't be fixed in CAW. It's how the game makes the pathing to and from the lot.
    I don't know which side the game sees the front of the lot but* have you set the front of the lot? Maybe it can make her pathing different- to and from the lot. :)

  • Rflong7's avatar
    New Vanguard
    No, setting the front of the lot... Also, if there is routing paint on the map and/or the wall objects are blocking that area up to the lot (still have the line of the lot to route), you can try a short fence right along the edges of the wall where they can't cross it. Leaving only the front to exit/enter the lot- I'd try. :)
  • Rflong7's avatar
    New Vanguard
    Oh! I'm sorry, too and No problem. I'm never really clear in my writing instructions... Writing the way I think isn't the best way to communicate. XD
  • It seems to me like it's an issue with that wall object that she's clipping through. If I had to guess it doesn't have any boundaries applied to it, so sims don't "see" it as an object to walk around instead of through. But that's really just a guess.

    Also, your sims is very pretty!
  • @Linamints Hm, that would make sense though because she never gets stuck or throws off any routing errors. It just takes her forever to finally meet the carpool or leave the lot. What you describe though sounds like something I could only fix in CAW or something, which I don’t have or know how to use. Bummer :/

    And thank you! She’s adorable, I’m always taking pictures of her lol.
  • @Rflong7 Ah, I see. Well that’s lame. I don’t think there’s any other door that exits from the lot if I recall but I’ll have to double check and set the main door to front next time I’m in game. Hopefully it will help.
  • karritz's avatar
    New Spectator
    @xitneverendss to set the front of the lot.

    1. TestingCheatsEnabled True by holding Ctrl Shift C key combination then type into the cheat box that appears at the top of the screen
    2. Go into Build Mode
    3. Hold Ctrl Shift keys down and click the front of the lot. You'll see a menu option to Set Front of Lot. Click on it.
  • @Rflong7 @Karritz Ohhhhh, I see. I had no idea this was a thing. Thanks guys, I’ll try that!