Thank you for coming along and explaining further I had no idea about a green screen or what one was so I have learned something new and while I am reasonably adapt with the animation player I have never used the pose player because I see that as something a video creator like yourself would use more for your stories and I simply don't feel I am clever enough to make that work personally but you sure are as your videos are great :)
Thank you for the extra links as well I will take a look at those as well.
Just to clarify when you wrote Edit to add: You don't need the pose player unless you are doing still poses does that mean a pose player is not necessary for the car talking animations at all then because while I was copying and pasting the info from the creator page I kept thinking why is the pose player required this appears to be more of an animation but that aside I had no idea whatsoever how the heck the animation could look as if it took place in a car as it's so much easier just turning on MOO and making sims dance together on a stage or whatever lol :)
Agreed there are some very talented creators on these forums I often use @Karritz video instructions as well i think the last one was when I successfully completed making/adding dive spots to other worlds than IP and felt very proud of myself in that moment after completing that lol