Okay, I got couple spare minutes, so I reworked my "schedule" for those projects, and, given I'm still catching up on University and general stuff left idle why I was in Mexico, I tried to be as realistic as possible. I also will be adding one more household today in Isla Paradiso to help with the "Dive Spots", and to later allow working on two different foreign locations at once, and, in a couple more days, one in Riverview. In other words, "Hal" first gets a new home while I fix Isla Paraiso for him, then I work on the dive lots, then he goes to Egypt....
So, unless facing some unforeseen circumstances, he's my next "release" schedule:
Up Next:
New Ones
- Wreck of the SNS Angry Llama (Dive Spot) (Postponned... For some reason, I can't find anymore the wreck I was planning to use... However, I found some OTHER interresting wrecks);
Mementos of Hurricane Andreii (Dive Spot);
A large wreck that sims could go inside underwater (Will require a lot of testing though, and I could use any info on what other people managed to build underwater regarding walls, doors and such) (Dive Spot) (TBA, will require A LOT of work, if possible at all));
- A Haunted House (For an adventure at home) (No Visitors Allowed) (should be uploaded by the 11th);
- A Haunted House that would morph over the year, with a seasonal lot marker) (No Visitors Allowed) (TBA, will require A LOT of work);
- A diving Pool (A "Pool" that would be two or three stories deep to allow sims to "Dive" in it (Pool) (TBA, will require some testing).
An Enhanced Aleister's Consignment store.
Wreck of the marauder (Dive Spot);
- "The Towering Inferno" (Surprise! ;) ) (should be uploaded by the 11th, my household ran out of simoleons)
- "Grimm's Ghastly Mansion"'s catacombs (Graveyard) (TBA, but likely by the 18th).
Eventual updates:
The Excavation Site/Underground Reservoir;
The Pomegranate Library;
- The
Nomad Camp of Unknown Origins (should be uploaded by the 11th);
The French General Store & Youth Hostel.
A little latter:
- Chinese vacation home (TBA).
- Mayan Travel Neighborhood (TBA, I need SIGNIFICANTLY more practice with CAW);
- A market.
Edit: I updated this schedule, instead of posting yet another one...