Forum Discussion

arenella92's avatar
13 years ago


Who likes mithology?? well if u do like i do... it will get more interesting, mithology + sims.... in the next few days ill start posting some pics about it

For now have a look to a sneak peekv of it...
Let me know what you think.

This is Mount Olympus!!!
(PS: is not completed yet!!)
  • I love Mythology! Greek Mythology in particular! :D

    You're mount Olympus is looking fantastic! :D

    Will be keeping an eye out for it :D
  • Is this available anywhere for downloading? I absolutely love this! Best Mt. Olympus out there
  • @taylorcharbonneau
    It is an old thread.(Make sure to keep an eye on dates of threads) They not have finished it, but a good way to find out is to go to and to the exchange.Change the name to his name arenella.Upon looking in his studio, it doesn't seem to have been uploaded.