There's also a different way of sharing stories, on the My Page through the memories pictures. It takes a bit of getting used to and can be really tricky to get the pictures into the smaller area or pan, and you have to clean the pictures out of your sims' memories every now and then to make room for more, and watch for the limited word space. After a while you can get pretty nifty at it. And your friends can all be logged in to see the new episode posted live, or review it later in the studio as can public if you have it set to that.
It might be too much bother for you, but its a suggestion for an option for you for in the meantime for your fix of storytelling.
Here's an example of mine when I was into it.
and another page of them:
There's some columns you can sort the pictures from, these are best viewed when the Date column has been clicked to be sorted, and these links are for into oldest first. The Plunkett family I had were like a soap opera maybe, and there were a few people following it. Kinda popular or special at the time. It was pretty effective, I got very practiced at it. And I could post it from my game. I think as long as The Store is enabled, the memory feature will still work. As for saving it, the only way I've been able to do that is open each picture from my My Page on the web page in a new tab, save that and copy and paste the text into a Word document, for each one, but I wonder what for. I tried finding out if there was a way to go into the game and fish out the memories from the scrapbook with a mod for saving on my computer somewhere but there's not, so manually saving from the My Page is what it takes if I really really want it.
There's a few other stories I went on in there. Lotta history. Memories ... there's a song about that.