7 years ago
Phollie's World History Challenge
I hope it's ok to just post like this but I had an idea for a Sims Challenge that I wanted to share.
Base game:
Sims 3. But please consider the challenge adaptable to any Sims so long as you can convincingly adapt your neighbourhood to the time period.
EP required:
EP recommended:
As many as you have but I am playing with WA as required above and: Island Paradise, Supernatural, Pets, Ambitions, University, Late Night, as well as Dragon Valley and Riverview. It's not necessary to have a lot to play but the more you have the more depth the challenge with have.
Basically the purpose of the challenge is to make use of what content you already possess.
Challenge overview/General Rules:
Play yourself though the history of the world!
This is a basic legacy challenge starting with 1 sim at the beginning of all recorded Sim history - Ancient Egypt.
- Your 1 starting Sim may marry and reproduce.
- Only the firstborn/heir should continue the legacy but there are no limits on number of children, affluence, playstyle or lifestory for each Sim in the bloodline.
- The heir cannot marry or reproduce in the same neighbourhood they were born in.
- Human bloodline only with the timescale of each neighbourhood being set by the lifespan of the legacy Sim.
- Lifespan can be set as you desire but I find it better to play Epic.
- When the current legacy Sim dies the heir becomes the new legacy Sim and the neighbourhood is concluded.
- When the current legacy Sim dies the heir is copied to clipboard (do not "move to a new neighbourhood", see below). (Please remember to give the heir all gravestones of his/her ancestors to preserve the legacy, before copying to clipboard).
- When the new legacy Sim is saved to clipboard exit the game, start a new game and set the neighbourhood as historically appropriate (see timeline rules). Plop your heir into the game and start the neighbourhood.
- No cheats, no exceptions.
- Mod at your own discretion. It's your challenge, you know if it feels like cheating.
- If your current legacy Sim dies while the heir is a child the child can be played into adulthood then copied to clipboard.
- If the second parent of your heir outlives the legacy sim then you may save the household to clipboard with that sim included, this is to preserve the ancestry.
- If your heir dies then you may move to the next born sim. You must leave the gravestone for the first born behind when saving the legacy sim to clipboard. They will be erased from the family tree when the you put your new heir into a new game thus making them the first born.
- If your legacy sim dies without producing an heir. GAME OVER. But I'm not policing it so if you do happen to accidentally bring them back to life I wont know.
Timeline Rules:
As this challenge is the history of the world you must play in a historically appropriate manner. The challenge permits limited EP/content but bear in mind it may be a very short challenge if you do not take it upon yourself to embellish it (E.g. Using WA to provide both Ancient and Modern neighbourhoods).
Below is the recommended progression, adapt according to your content.
Yes there are overlapping time periods, pick a year that makes you happy.
- You MUST begin in Ancient Egypt; Approx 3100 BC - 30 BC (see the How To below).
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be Ancient China; Approx 1500 BC - 220 AD (see the How To below).
- Your next neighbourhood CAN be a primitive or tribal Island Paradise. (This is basically to fudge the timeline at any point when your content is lacking. Skip to the next time period that you have content for.)
- Your next neighbourhood CAN be Medieval/Middle Ages. Using Dragon Valley as a base.
- Your next neighbourhood CAN be Western Roman Empire. Using Venice as a base.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be stripped down France; Approx 9th century to the middle of the 15th century. You MUST be a traveller*. *A person who travels be it gypsy, vagabond, travelling salesman, or hermit.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be stripped down Egypt; Approx 9th century to the middle of the 15th century. You MUST be a traveller*.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be stripped down China; Approx 9th century to the middle of the 15th century. You MUST be a traveller*.
- Your next neighbourhood CAN be France; 18th Century France. Using the Palace of Versailles stuff pack.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be France OR Moonlight Falls during 18th century. Georgian or Regency era English history. You must belong to a travelling circus. Le Cirque Esprit stuff pack is nice if you have it.
- Your next neighbourhood CAN be Moonlight Falls; 1800 - 1901. Victorian Era.
- Your next neighbourhood CAN be Appaloosa Plains; 1865 - 1880. American Settler/Cowboy/Wild West era.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be Bridgeport, Moonlight Falls OR Sunset Valley; 1920 - 1930. Think Roaring Twenties or Downton Abbey.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be Riverview, Twinbrook, Appaloosa Plains OR Sunset Valley; 1900-1950s. Think Waltons or Grease The Musical.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be Sunset Valley OR University campus town which name escapes me; 1960s.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be Sunset Valley OR Bridgeport (or as preferred); 1980s.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be Sunset Valley or as preferred; 1990s.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be Sunset Valley or as preferred; 2000s-2020s
- Your next neighbourhood CAN be in the Future using Into the Future's Oasis Landing neighbourhood as a base.
How To Make an Era Appropriate neighbourhood:
You could:
- Convert Sub towns to home towns by using Twallan's Traveller Mod.
- Use Create A World tool
- Use someone else's world which you can download from thesims site or elsewhere.
- After creating a game use Edit Town and World Editor to make appropriate changes. Stop when you are satisfied.
Custom Content:
As you like.
Mods, if you are so inclined:
- NRass Twallan's Traveller mod to make sub towns into home towns.
- NRass Twallan's Traffic mod to remove traffic and cars.
I am also using:
Story Progression (with base, extra & careers), Master Controller, Debug Enabler, and Overwatch.
Point Scoring:
- 10 points for each legacy Sim played.
- 5 points if you play at a level of technology appropriate to the era. (exceptions made for flushing toilets as they were not invented until 1596 and phones as they are a base part of game function. Computers may only be used to provide game functionality as I understand some mods tie options to the computer).
- 5 points if you dress the town appropriately. Dresser Mod may help.
- 10 points if you put work into redesigning the neighbourhood to suit the era.
Phollie's utterly nonsensical bonus points:
Ancient Egypt - 1 point if you are not a Pharaoh.
Ancient China - 1 point if you are not an Emperor.
Tribal Island Paradise - 1 point if you are a pirate.
Tribal Island Paradise - 2 points if you are a historically accurate blowhole of a pirate who takes advantage of the isolated and vulnerable island tribe by thieving from them.
Medieval/Middle Age - 1 point if populate the town with pustule sporting sims.
Western Roman Empire - 1 point for changing the career clothing for every sim in the political career to Cardinal/Monk like clothing.
Stripped Down France/Egypt/China - 1 point every time you change your home lot.
18th Century France - 1 point if you build a guillotine. 2 points for each time a sim dies in its vicinity.
18th Century Circus Folk - 1 point for every "show" (party) you put on.
Victorian Era - 2 points if you make Queen Victoria.
Wild West Era - 1 point if you make a cow. To cowboy with.
1920-1930 - 1 point if you Bugsy Malone the heck out of Bridgeport.
1900-1950 - 2 points for the entire cast of Grease. On the Walton Farm.
1960s - 2 points if your legacy sim eats herbs every single day of his life.
1980s - 2 points if you know who Eddie the Eagle is. No gameplay required.
1990s - 1 point if you make your favourite 90s singer/actor/fictional character/pop group. 2 points if your legacy sim is a groupie.
2000-2020s - 1 point if you throw a millennium party. 2 points if you detonate every single computer after the party. 3 points if you make your neighbourhood into a dystopian alternate reality in a post digital age.
Future - 1 point if you never go back in time.
Future - 1000 points if you make a simbot, use an elixir to turn him human, make him look like Robin Williams, and act out Bicentennial Man.
Love Phollie x
Base game:
Sims 3. But please consider the challenge adaptable to any Sims so long as you can convincingly adapt your neighbourhood to the time period.
EP required:
EP recommended:
As many as you have but I am playing with WA as required above and: Island Paradise, Supernatural, Pets, Ambitions, University, Late Night, as well as Dragon Valley and Riverview. It's not necessary to have a lot to play but the more you have the more depth the challenge with have.
Basically the purpose of the challenge is to make use of what content you already possess.
Challenge overview/General Rules:
Play yourself though the history of the world!
This is a basic legacy challenge starting with 1 sim at the beginning of all recorded Sim history - Ancient Egypt.
- Your 1 starting Sim may marry and reproduce.
- Only the firstborn/heir should continue the legacy but there are no limits on number of children, affluence, playstyle or lifestory for each Sim in the bloodline.
- The heir cannot marry or reproduce in the same neighbourhood they were born in.
- Human bloodline only with the timescale of each neighbourhood being set by the lifespan of the legacy Sim.
- Lifespan can be set as you desire but I find it better to play Epic.
- When the current legacy Sim dies the heir becomes the new legacy Sim and the neighbourhood is concluded.
- When the current legacy Sim dies the heir is copied to clipboard (do not "move to a new neighbourhood", see below). (Please remember to give the heir all gravestones of his/her ancestors to preserve the legacy, before copying to clipboard).
- When the new legacy Sim is saved to clipboard exit the game, start a new game and set the neighbourhood as historically appropriate (see timeline rules). Plop your heir into the game and start the neighbourhood.
- No cheats, no exceptions.
- Mod at your own discretion. It's your challenge, you know if it feels like cheating.
- If your current legacy Sim dies while the heir is a child the child can be played into adulthood then copied to clipboard.
- If the second parent of your heir outlives the legacy sim then you may save the household to clipboard with that sim included, this is to preserve the ancestry.
- If your heir dies then you may move to the next born sim. You must leave the gravestone for the first born behind when saving the legacy sim to clipboard. They will be erased from the family tree when the you put your new heir into a new game thus making them the first born.
- If your legacy sim dies without producing an heir. GAME OVER. But I'm not policing it so if you do happen to accidentally bring them back to life I wont know.
Timeline Rules:
As this challenge is the history of the world you must play in a historically appropriate manner. The challenge permits limited EP/content but bear in mind it may be a very short challenge if you do not take it upon yourself to embellish it (E.g. Using WA to provide both Ancient and Modern neighbourhoods).
Below is the recommended progression, adapt according to your content.
Yes there are overlapping time periods, pick a year that makes you happy.
- You MUST begin in Ancient Egypt; Approx 3100 BC - 30 BC (see the How To below).
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be Ancient China; Approx 1500 BC - 220 AD (see the How To below).
- Your next neighbourhood CAN be a primitive or tribal Island Paradise. (This is basically to fudge the timeline at any point when your content is lacking. Skip to the next time period that you have content for.)
- Your next neighbourhood CAN be Medieval/Middle Ages. Using Dragon Valley as a base.
- Your next neighbourhood CAN be Western Roman Empire. Using Venice as a base.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be stripped down France; Approx 9th century to the middle of the 15th century. You MUST be a traveller*. *A person who travels be it gypsy, vagabond, travelling salesman, or hermit.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be stripped down Egypt; Approx 9th century to the middle of the 15th century. You MUST be a traveller*.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be stripped down China; Approx 9th century to the middle of the 15th century. You MUST be a traveller*.
- Your next neighbourhood CAN be France; 18th Century France. Using the Palace of Versailles stuff pack.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be France OR Moonlight Falls during 18th century. Georgian or Regency era English history. You must belong to a travelling circus. Le Cirque Esprit stuff pack is nice if you have it.
- Your next neighbourhood CAN be Moonlight Falls; 1800 - 1901. Victorian Era.
- Your next neighbourhood CAN be Appaloosa Plains; 1865 - 1880. American Settler/Cowboy/Wild West era.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be Bridgeport, Moonlight Falls OR Sunset Valley; 1920 - 1930. Think Roaring Twenties or Downton Abbey.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be Riverview, Twinbrook, Appaloosa Plains OR Sunset Valley; 1900-1950s. Think Waltons or Grease The Musical.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be Sunset Valley OR University campus town which name escapes me; 1960s.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be Sunset Valley OR Bridgeport (or as preferred); 1980s.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be Sunset Valley or as preferred; 1990s.
- Your next neighbourhood MUST be Sunset Valley or as preferred; 2000s-2020s
- Your next neighbourhood CAN be in the Future using Into the Future's Oasis Landing neighbourhood as a base.
How To Make an Era Appropriate neighbourhood:
You could:
- Convert Sub towns to home towns by using Twallan's Traveller Mod.
- Use Create A World tool
- Use someone else's world which you can download from thesims site or elsewhere.
- After creating a game use Edit Town and World Editor to make appropriate changes. Stop when you are satisfied.
Custom Content:
As you like.
Mods, if you are so inclined:
- NRass Twallan's Traveller mod to make sub towns into home towns.
- NRass Twallan's Traffic mod to remove traffic and cars.
I am also using:
Story Progression (with base, extra & careers), Master Controller, Debug Enabler, and Overwatch.
Point Scoring:
- 10 points for each legacy Sim played.
- 5 points if you play at a level of technology appropriate to the era. (exceptions made for flushing toilets as they were not invented until 1596 and phones as they are a base part of game function. Computers may only be used to provide game functionality as I understand some mods tie options to the computer).
- 5 points if you dress the town appropriately. Dresser Mod may help.
- 10 points if you put work into redesigning the neighbourhood to suit the era.
Phollie's utterly nonsensical bonus points:
Ancient Egypt - 1 point if you are not a Pharaoh.
Ancient China - 1 point if you are not an Emperor.
Tribal Island Paradise - 1 point if you are a pirate.
Tribal Island Paradise - 2 points if you are a historically accurate blowhole of a pirate who takes advantage of the isolated and vulnerable island tribe by thieving from them.
Medieval/Middle Age - 1 point if populate the town with pustule sporting sims.
Western Roman Empire - 1 point for changing the career clothing for every sim in the political career to Cardinal/Monk like clothing.
Stripped Down France/Egypt/China - 1 point every time you change your home lot.
18th Century France - 1 point if you build a guillotine. 2 points for each time a sim dies in its vicinity.
18th Century Circus Folk - 1 point for every "show" (party) you put on.
Victorian Era - 2 points if you make Queen Victoria.
Wild West Era - 1 point if you make a cow. To cowboy with.
1920-1930 - 1 point if you Bugsy Malone the heck out of Bridgeport.
1900-1950 - 2 points for the entire cast of Grease. On the Walton Farm.
1960s - 2 points if your legacy sim eats herbs every single day of his life.
1980s - 2 points if you know who Eddie the Eagle is. No gameplay required.
1990s - 1 point if you make your favourite 90s singer/actor/fictional character/pop group. 2 points if your legacy sim is a groupie.
2000-2020s - 1 point if you throw a millennium party. 2 points if you detonate every single computer after the party. 3 points if you make your neighbourhood into a dystopian alternate reality in a post digital age.
Future - 1 point if you never go back in time.
Future - 1000 points if you make a simbot, use an elixir to turn him human, make him look like Robin Williams, and act out Bicentennial Man.
Love Phollie x