Forum Discussion

LouberforceNet's avatar
10 years ago

Pour le Belle Lingerie Competition Cycle One - A4 scores posted and Semi-final, finally!

If you haven't already guessed it, this competition is the latest lingerie themed competition to hit the forums. I haven't seen one around for a while and my other competition doesn't seem to have much interest so hopefully this one will! In total there will be ten assignments in this elimination competition and each assignment will last a week with certain requirements that you must meet.

I will be looking for creative and sophisticated photographs and not raunchy.

So get your victoria secret models signed up ;)

Sign up's close 31st May

Rules –

• Editing, Pose player and CC are not required but will aid you in this competition
• Extensions are limited to two per person and last up to three days at the most
• Please do not be purposely hurtful to others
• YA only, female and male are allowed
• We will not hold the competition back for late submitters who have not asked for an extension but late assignments MAY be excepted depending on whether the judges are able to score the assignment without disrupting the competition too much.
• Judge’s comments are to aid you in excelling so please don’t take them too personally. I encourage modellers to dispute the comments if they feel they are unfair but please be mature about it.

Score card –

Styling /10 –
Photo Quality /10 –
Set /5 -
Creativity /10 –
Relative to assignment /5 –

Need to hand in assignment


Assignment in: