Forum Discussion

simprincesss's avatar
5 years ago

Pregnancy mods?

I’m looking for 2 pregnancy related mods. Is there a mod that can let me choose how long pregnancy lasts? I want it to be more realistic and last for several seasons. I found one mod but the longest option was 21 days which is still too short. I’m hoping for a mod that will let me type in the number of days I want.

Also is there a way to see (and possibly change) the gender and number of babies my sim is going to have?
  • I think you could accomplish all of this with the Pregnancy Progress Controller, at least with being able to pause pregnancy to keep it going longer than 21 days. I don't know the code behind the pregnancy length mods though it's probably simple enough and I'm just afraid to look.
  • I have never tried this but I have read that you can change the length of pregnancies with Nraas Retuner. Before changing settings you need to make sure there are no pregnant sims in the town.
    With Master Controller you can change the gender of the baby during pregnancy and increase the odds of getting multiples but I don't think you can nominate how many babies you get with the pregnancy.
  • There are about seven settings associated with pregnancy length that are reachable by way of NRaas Retuner. To see them, visit this page and do a Ctrl+F kind of Find for the word pregnancy.

    The advantages to doing this the Retuner way are that one can change the settings to whatever one wants by an in-game menu interface without having to look for or figure out how to edit a standalone tuning mod that does the exact same thing, and that they can be different for different ongoing games because the settings are game save/world specific. And yes, there should be NO pregnant sims in town at all before trying to edit these settings or chances are they will never go into labor.

    It becomes important when considering this to not allow the settings to conflict with each other mathematically or else unexpected things might happen. And if making the pregnancy term really long, we have to remember that sims cannot age up while pregnant nor should they be able to become pregnant if their birthday is approaching. So if, as a wild example, the YA and Adult age stages are each 100 sim days and the length of pregnancy is 120 sim days, then no sims will ever become pregnant because it would always be too close to an upcoming birthday (assuming aging is on). If the length of pregnancy is let's say 90 sim days, then the windows of opportunity there for both age stages are very narrow.

    There's all kinds of ways to influence the gender (of the first born if multiples) and chances of number of babies per birth with mods and with in-game actions, but officially neither one are really set until the sim gives birth. We can expand on those if needed. There is no way to influence or set the gender of babies after the first one in a multiple birth (the second twin, the second and third triplet).
  • Thanks for the suggestions everyone!

    I play with aging off so my sim won’t have problems with trying to age when pregnant. I’m on my phone right now so I can’t search on the page, but I looked at retuner settings in the link and I guess I have to figure out the number of hours for different stages of the pregnancy. In the sims 4 I made pregnancy last 63 days, and I want it to be a similar length for this game. I’ll try to do some math when I’m more awake.

    @igazor could I save right before my sim gives birth, and then go back and replay the day until I get the number/gender of babies I want?
  • "SeashoreLivia;c-17659610" wrote:
    @igazor could I save right before my sim gives birth, and then go back and replay the day until I get the number/gender of babies I want?

    Not sure I really understand the question. If your sim gives birth to one child and you then revert the game to a prior save, that child won't have been born yet. So essentially you will be replaying the birth of the same child over and over.

    Okay yes, maybe what you meant is with respect to the second twin and second/third triplet. Sure, you could keep replaying the birth to get the results you wanted although there's no telling how many tries that might take.
  • "igazor;c-17659622" wrote:
    "SeashoreLivia;c-17659610" wrote:
    @igazor could I save right before my sim gives birth, and then go back and replay the day until I get the number/gender of babies I want?

    Not sure I really understand the question. If your sim gives birth to one child and you then revert the game to a prior save, that child won't have been born yet. So essentially you will be replaying the birth of the same child over and over.

    Okay yes, maybe what you meant is with respect to the second twin and second/third triplet. Sure, you could keep replaying the birth to get the results you wanted although there's no telling how many tries that might take.

    Yes that’s what I meant. Thank you for your help!