Thanks for the recommendations @therealsunsetvalley @Jessabeans :smile:
"therealsunsetvalley;c-16426864" wrote:
Hey Avatarit!
I would like to rekomendacja you my blog haha.
It's the story of whole Town and all families while I'm playing. The goal is to go to the pointer where I wentylacja with TS2 Pleaseantview and make family tree connection between all resudends.
Hope you gonna enjoy!
Have a nice day :smile:
This is a nice idea. :smile: I rememeber visiting your blog at the past, read a few posts and enjoyed. I'm a real fan of Sunset Vallley + the bin families, my game is mostly from those families too, so it is interesting to see how it is developed In other people's game.
"Jessabeans;c-16427191" wrote:
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for but these are some of my personal favorites that are still active.
I like reading historical sim stories so my favorites of those are @Greencats snordwich chronicles, She is a great builder and sim creator too so you can find a lot of her stuff in her studio, she has one of her previous legacy houses and I believe the families from it in her studio. She has another legacy on her blog that's more modern. and danjaley's. murfeelee has one based on characters from the books/show Shadowhunters, I'm not sure if it would be as enjoyable to people who are not fans of the show but I really like it. Mmdrgntobldrgn and Ciane have a lot of interesting challenge style legacies.. You can find a lot of active storytellers in this thread, perhaps some of them have stand alone blogs too?
Snordwich Chronicles looks interesting from what I just picked, but I see that some of the pictures there are from photobucket and can't be viewed :disappointed: anyway i'll check the rest from what's availble. I rememeber visiting
Danjaley's blog, probabaly downloaded something that was referred from another plcae, I haven't noticed that there are stories, looks nice. I'm not familiar with
Shadowhunters. I'll check the others too, but honestly I prefer less challenges, I prefer more continuous stories because that is how I usually play.