5 years ago
Resize Your Objects in TS3!!
Resizing in build/buy was something I was always a bit jealous of in TS4, and I was curious if I could find a mod that does that for TS3.
Looking online, I managed to find just that kind of mod! It works the same as OMSP by Granthes on modthesims, except it makes objects bigger or smaller.
I thought I'd share it here, because it doesn't seem very well known despite completely changing my building experience in TS3.
Here is the mod: http://mahamudosim3.blogspot.com/2012/07/omsp-resizer.html?m=1&zx=48a2edf9f61f4ea0
Looking online, I managed to find just that kind of mod! It works the same as OMSP by Granthes on modthesims, except it makes objects bigger or smaller.
I thought I'd share it here, because it doesn't seem very well known despite completely changing my building experience in TS3.
Here is the mod: http://mahamudosim3.blogspot.com/2012/07/omsp-resizer.html?m=1&zx=48a2edf9f61f4ea0